Which would be worse as U.S. president—a messiah, or an Ivy League sophomore? How about both combined in one person?

“Barack Obama has the kind of cocksure confidence that can only be achieved by not achieving anything else,” observes Thomas Sowell in a read-worthy column.

I’m further reminded of Obama’s student mentality by an item at Powerline, where John writes:

Maybe the American people just didn’t have quite enough time to get to know Barack Obama. It seems inconceivable to me that a candidate as arrogant as Obama could be ahead in the polls if the voters had fully absorbed how out of touch he can be. A case in point is this MTV interview, where Obama says that the tax increase he proposes on people who earn $250,000 or more is “chump change, that’s nothing.” But wait! If it’s “chump change,” how is it going to fund the hundreds of billions in new spending that Obama wants?

With Obama’s expressed indifference/contempt toward the wealth and the sources of the wealth with which he intends to fund his messianic dreams, he reminds me of a college classmate of mine who said, “Society has to be destroyed.” I asked him, “After you’ve destroyed society, what will you replace it with?” And he said, “We’ll figure that out later.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 03, 2008 02:14 PM | Send

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