19 year old British model stabbed to death
(Note Nov. 13: The suspect who arrested shortly after the murder, but was not named, is Ricardo Morrison, 21 years old, a football player and football coach, ex-lover of the murdered girl, and he’s black. I discuss it here.) (Note: this 700 word blog entry covers: the consequences of the Obama presidency; the factors driving interracial sex and interracial murder; photo of murdered 19 year old model wearing death’s head on her bikini top; how good writing consists of the joining of beauty and truth; and a discussion of Macbeth’s speech on sleep.) As has been pointed out by at least two readers, an almost certain consequence of the Obama presidency will be that the number of young white women who get involved sexually with black men, perhaps with thoughts in their head of producing their own little Barack Obama (remember the formative role played in human society by imitation), will increase. So will the number of young white women who get murdered by black men—a constant phenomenon of our time that the mainstream media have never once mentioned. This past weekend 19 year old British model Amy Leigh Barnes, who had recently moved from her parent’s home into her own flat in Manchester, was stabbed during an argument in her new home. There is no suspect named yet in the case, though a man has been arrested. According to the Mail, she had been dating black football player Benni McCarthy (the story has a photo of the couple). According to the Times, “A friend said that she had dated several Premier League footballers.” According to Sky News:
Over 400 people have joined a Facebook group set up in tribute to the teenager.Whoever murdered Amy Barnes, the general trend is unmistakable. To be brutally blunt about it, if you live in an ultra-liberal, white-majority society with a large black population, and if you are young, female, blond, very pretty, very kind and warm hearted (i.e. you’re a classic naive Eloi), the odds that you will be murdered by a black man go up astronomically over the odds for the general white population.
John B. notices something I missed. He writes:
And notice the clash between her callow mien and her nihilistic glamour—the death’s head over the nipple on the bikini top, the sexy-guerrilla outfit. For her sake, I hope the combination of sex and death proved to be as much fun as she thought it was.Here’s the photo, from the Mail article linked above:
![]() As can be seen, John was not exaggerating or being sensationalistic. She has a glowing death’s head on her bikini top, deliberately joining sex and death.
LA to John B.: I’ve posted the photo with your comment. Thanks for seeing this, and for bringing out the meaning of it so well.John B. replies:
I’m glad you found the comment valuable. I thought your follow-up comment was good, too.LA replies:
“And notice the clash between her callow mien and her nihilistic glamour”John B. replies:
Coming from you, that compliment is particularly gratifying.LA replies:
What is it that makes good writing? A lot of people seem to think good writing consists in the way words are chosen and put together, the aesthetics of writing. That’s a major part of it, but not the whole of it. Good writing captures the truth of something. So really good writing consists of words that aesthetically work together AND capture a truth. “… the clash between her callow mien and her nihilistic glamour” does both.LA continues:
Here’s an example of what I mean, Macbeth’s description of sleep, from Macbeth, Act II, Scene 2: November 10 Laura W. writes:
Beauty is a surrender, a yielding to what is true and beyond ourselves, and the ugliness of this woman’s outfit confirms the point. Here, she is, just a girl really, barely out of childhood, and, with her rhinestone crucifix and belly-button stud, she is laden with so much symbolism, all of it saying, “Life is a hideous joke. Play with me!” If she had been kidnapped by ghouls and they had worked on her look, they couldn’t have done much better in tampering with all that is beautiful and all that is true about her.John B. writes:
Wow. My writing hasn’t been compared to Shakespeare’s—for weeks.LA to Laura W.: Pretty clever, taking the beauty and truth theme from my discussion of writing and relating it back to Amy Barnes. :-)Laura replies:
Clever? What an insult! Cleverness is good in a game, but not when talking about serious things.LA replies:
Darn, I should have known that was the wrong word!Laura replies:
Nope. You still got clever in there. You think I’m a fool, or what? How about:LA replies:
Since the desire stated by the Wife of Bath (“What do woman want? Mastery.”) is now finally being fulfilled (along with the 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling) and we live under the gynocracy, I will obey.Laura replies:
It is I who am your humble servant. I was only trying to bring out the very best in yourself. :- ) Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 09, 2008 09:24 PM | Send Email entry |