Powerline’s silence on racial aspect of election night assault

John at Powerline reports that Annie Grossmann, an 18 year old freshman at Augsburg College in Minneapolis and a McCain supporter, was called a racist and assaulted by four females on campus on election night. The four were not thought to be students. This gave me the idea that they were black, but John said nothing about their race. However, he had gotten the story from the Minneapolis Star Tribune, and there I found this, about eight paragraphs down in the article:

Under a skyway connecting the two buildings, four women “bigger than I am” came up to her, she said.

“One approached me and got in my face and called me racist because I had the [McCain] pin on. That really ticked me off, but I kind of left it alone because she was so much bigger than I am,” said Grossmann. She is 5 feet 2 and weighs 120 pounds, and played boys high school hockey in Alaska. “The girls in the background were just a little bigger than me. They were mocking me from the sidelines.

“I didn’t say anything. … This one [bigger] girl grabbed me by the shoulders and was holding me. After about five minutes, I just wanted to get out of there.”

Grossmann, who is white, said she told the women, who were black, “You guys don’t even know me. There’s no reason to think I’m racist.”

At that point, she said, she pushed the bigger one in the group, and “she punched me, and the back of my head hit a brick wall.”

So, even though the assailants were reported as black, and even though this assault took place on the night of the election of America’s first black/mixed-race president, when other black-on-white assaults were reported around the country, John didn’t think that the racial aspect of this black-on-white attack was worth reporting. Maybe he thought that saying anything negative about black people, even if it was true and significant, would make him a racist. However, the Star Tribune, which the Powerline guys are constantly complaining about because of its liberal bias, went right ahead and unembarrassdely identified the race of the assailants.

Evidence that neocons with their extreme right-liberal ideology (only the individual matters, and it’s immoral to think that race ever matters) are farther from reality than even the left-liberals at the Star-Tribune.

Or—a simpler explanation—maybe John of Powerline is simply a coward.

- end of initial entry -

Jake D. writes:

If you scroll farther down the article you find this:

“I don’t think she was prepared for the close-mindedness,” he said. “I told her she needs to take a lower profile [for the sake of] her academic and her sports careers.”

Dawn Grossmann, a Delta Junction City Council member and chairwoman of a state commission that oversees public service funding in Alaska, said some professors and fellow students gave her a hard time for backing the GOP ticket. Citing academic privacy restrictions, Shelman said he could not confirm the other incidents the Grossmanns mentioned.

Dawn Grossmann has met with Palin for government business purposes and sent her daughter Palin campaign T-shirts. Bruce Grossmann said that Annie has also met Palin, is “very proud of Sarah Palin” and considers her “a role model.”

Dawn Grossmann described Delta Junction as “small-town conservative” and “being in Minneapolis, that’s very much of a change” for her daughter.

Are these parents insane? Negligent? Or just stupid? Sending a young “small-town conservative” teen from Alaska into the sick, crime-ridden, liberal wasteland of Minneapolis, thousands of miles away from home, says something about the thought process of this family. Let me describe the immediate area surrounding Augsburg college and the culture shock Annie Grossmann must have endured when entering this abyss.Within a few blocks is a giant housing project where thousands of Islamic Somalians have dwelt for years, forcing out the earlier black inhabitants. They have shown no hope of assimillating, getting out of the projects, and it looks like downtown Mogadishu there.

Nearby Lake Street is an eclectic mix of low-skilled foreigners, illegals, progressive hippie types, drug houses, bums and assorted other low-lifes and criminals. It is not safe here for white females after dark unless your peddling a bike 20 miles an hour or packing heat. A few blocks north is the uptown area, which is infested with homosexuals, liberals, and white-do-gooders of all types.

There is no reason for a family or any sane person to send their kid into the toxic environment of Minneapolis. I know too many people who have been robbed, beaten, and otherwise violated because of their insane devotion to liberalism. There is nothing to be gained in Minneapolis for a conservative white…nothing.

November 13

Robert B. writes:

You may recall that I warned you about this school’s atmosphere about a year ago when my son fell victim to the school’s diversity program, otherwise known as “Residency Life,” wherein all incoming Freshmen are required to live in dorms assigned by the Residency Life Director and required to take a class on the subject. In the class, students are required publicly to answer a question which will point out their political affiliation. They are then placed on the right or left side of the classroom depending on their “bent.” After that, they are attacked on a daily basis for their belief system. In fact, she deliberately paired openly gay students with male athletes, who were told, when they complained about sexual activity in the dorm room, that they needed to get used to it, because that’s the way the world is now.

My son moved off campus. He was accused of something he did not do. Then they tried to force him to admit he had done it. When he wouldn’t, they expelled him from the dorms and such. This included use of the library and other facilities. He was later granted an appeal before the board of regents and student council—at which he won, by unanimous vote. In retaliation, they still imposed restrictions on his access.

My son, a highly recruited wrestler, pulled out of the school for one year—during which time, the team itself lost members in droves due to the oppression placed upon them by the student Residency Life Director. They took a lead from my son and “walked” because the head coach was too frightened to protect them from her. He is gone now, and my son is back this year. He lives off campus with a room mate of similar traditional belief systems. I do believe that, on some level, this woman and her program are responsible for what happened to the female Freshman from Alaska. She creates an environment of hate toward conservatives and heterosexual whites in general.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 12, 2008 08:37 PM | Send

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