“Gay” terrorists

As soon as Proposition 8 passed in California last week, homosexual activists began making violent threats against defenders of traditional marriage.

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Scott H. writes:

On my way to work the morning of the election in my California town, I drove by 10 to 15 “Yes on 8” signs that had been spray painted with red or pink swastikas (the “Yes ON 8” signs were yellow). All these signs on one street right by my house, on less than 1/4 of a mile long stretch. That was another clue that things would be interesting after the election was over…

Robert b. writes:

Like it or not, it was good old fashioned “bigotry” that kept people this in line. It’s not that everyone didn’t know they were there and who they were, it’s that society placed absolute restrictions on their public behavior and enforced by various means. Those means became known as “bigotry” and the prevailing culture allowed their children to be indoctrinated via the public schools and mass media into allowing their judgement to lapse.

Just imagine what would have happened forty years ago if gays had threatened churches and their congregations.

Terry Morris writes:

I hope for their own sakes that these nuts are just blowing off steam. In any event I’d caution them to be very cautious about whom they choose to “terrorize,” if you catch my drift.

LA replies:


I’ll pass your message to them through my contacts in the community. :-)

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 13, 2008 05:53 PM | Send

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