Another racial barrier toppled!

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RACIAL barriers have toppled at a very elite club. Two anonymous men, one Han Chinese, the other Yoruban from Nigeria, have become the first non-white, non-celebrities to have their full genomes sequenced.

QR adds:

Thank heavens this horrible oppression is at an end.

LA replies:

Didn’t I say that Barack Obama’s being elected president would not be the end of “racism”? Every time a nonwhite person does something or is included in something that has not happened with a nonwhite before, it will be billed as “Racial Barrier Toppled,” as though there had been some racist barrier preventing this event from occurring up to this very moment, meaning that the society has still been racist up to this very moment, and that all the previous topplings of barriers really didn’t mean a thing, meaning that the civil rights movement really didn’t mean a thing, meaning that the Thirteenth Amendment really didn’t mean a thing, meaning that 600,000 white men dead in the Civil War and the civilization of the South destroyed really didn’t mean a thing.

To the liberal mind, an event can only be given positive meaning if it is seen as an overcoming of white evil. Does Steve Sailer really believe that his “white status competition” theory can explain this irrational and suicidal white belief that is in the saddle of our society?

LA continues:

Also, notice the wording of the first sentence of the New Scientist article: “Racial barriers have toppled at a very elite club.” When you read that, your first thought is that there is some very exclusive, probably British club, that has just let in some nonwhites for the first time. In fact, all that’s happened is that a genome study was done on two anonymous nonwhite men. So there is no “club,” and there is no membership, and there has been no exclusive membership. But that is the way the liberal mind must conceive of the event, both to make it seem particularly worthwhile and to find another way to stick it to whites.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 19, 2008 02:04 PM | Send

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