Who was behind the Bombay attack

Steve Schippert at The Tank (NRO’s military blog) has an informative post about how the Bombay attack occurred. Basically a routine ISI-organized planned terrorist attack aimed at Kashmir was taken over by a mid-level ISI official in league with al Qaeda without the knowledge of ISI top brass and was directed at Bombay instead. Schippert repeatedly tells us that we must read a much longer article by a Pakistani writer from which he derived his information.

I’ve read Schippert’s entry, I get the basic picture, and I don’t feel the need at the moment to read the very long article. I’m not dismissing its importance at all, but I think there is a tendency for people to get too absorbed in these details, and, knowing the details, they miss the fact that they’re missing the big picture. The big picture is that Muslims, in whatever form or configuration, whether as Al Qaeda, or as a mid-level Pakistani security official in league with Al Qaeda, or as detached independent groups not formally connected with Al Qaeda but believing in jihad, or as individuals inspired by their local imam, or just as free lance Muslims feeling the call, are following Allah’s sacred command to kill non-Muslims and strike terror into their hearts, in any way that is convenient and helpful for the ongoing cause of jihad. To my mind, any approach that has the effect of distracting people’s attention from that fundamental fact about Islam is doing more harm than good.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 03, 2008 10:41 PM | Send

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