The monstrous injustice that Bush has not stopped

Nothing has shown President Bush’s priorities more than his refusal over the last two years to pardon Ramos and Compean. And now there are only five days left for him to do right and reverse himself, as reported in The Washington Times:

Ignacio “Nacho” Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean, two former Border Patrol agents, were sentenced to 11 and 12 years in prison, respectively, in October 2006 in the nonfatal shooting of a now-convicted Mexican drug smuggler. They have been in federal prison since January 2007.

At the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, a dozen House members held a news conference to urge Mr. Bush to commute the sentences of the agents before he leaves office Tuesday.

“They were not in the commission of a crime; they were in the commission of defending our borders, and they should have been acknowledged for having done that,” said Rep. Louie Gohmert, Texas Republican.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 15, 2009 06:34 AM | Send

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