A fly on the wall in the Oval Office

A commenter at Lucianne.com, sagman, offers a post mortem of Obama’s press conference:

OBAMA: How did it go last night? Rahm?

EMANUEL: Too many questions, sir. From now on, open with a 20 minute statement, call on AP and Reuters, and end on a light note with Helen Thomas. That’s an hour right there.

OBAMA: Good. Have Tapper and Major Garrett thrown off the press plane today—-after it’s airborne. Get in my face and you pay a price. David?

AXELROD: Biden’s mouth is a threat to your Presidency, sir. Have the Secret Service put him under house arrest.

OBAMA: I’ll tell Geithner at Treasury to cut the orders; he owes me. By the way, I stumbled on the Iran question, Leon. What is going on with their nuke program?

PANNETA: I just ordered a team of, uh, overt co-operatives into Iran to monitor their progress. They’ll alert us the minute Tel Aviv is A-bombed.

OBAMA: Um, covert operatives? Never mind. Gibbs, announce at today’s briefing that, to get around Republican obstructionism, I’m appointing Daschle as ex-officio Secretary of HHS—so, no hearings.

MICHELLE: Let’s go back to Camp David for the week. You hear me, Barack?

Here is some more of the Lucianne thread. There are witty and amusing observations here. But the miserable reality is that the porkulus bill passed cloture last night and will be passed by the Senate this afternoon and be in a Senate-House conference by tonight. This horrible disaster is happening.

And for what good it did, I called Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s office today, telling a staff member that this bill is not only a disaster itsefl but also deeply dishonest for sneaking through socialist measures that have nothing to do with economic stimulus. I haven’t yet gotten through to Sen. Schumer’s office.

Now I’ve reached Schumer’s New York office. I barely had said, “This bill is a disaster,” when the young female staffer said, “Thank you,” and hung up.

Reply 8—Posted by: Jinx, 2/10/2009 7:24:37 AM

Obama has been programed for one speech. The people who pull his strings, need to reprogram him or he will start to sound like a robot. Ohhhhh, he is a robot. I forgot. What a boring “prominent” person. How did he get elected?

Reply 9—Posted by: BadgerBill, 2/10/2009 7:32:23 AM

Original Poster, #’s 1-8 pretty much have this dolt nailed from last night—and his last oh, say, 47 years.

Reply 10—Posted by: Sparkycat, 2/10/2009 7:36:37 AM

I love it when we get a ‘sagman’ perspective! :>)

Reply 11—Posted by: Jobe, 2/10/2009 7:37:00 AM

And how about “old faithless” Helen Thomas and her reference to “so-called terrorists”. This is a woman (?)who left the planet years ago and is cruising around in the ether with the spirit of Che Guevara and some of her other idols.

Reply 12—Posted by: Daisymay, 2/10/2009 7:39:04 AM

What I kept thinking, during his News Conference, was he is in WAY over his head. He stood up there and looked like a little kid dressed in Daddy’s suit. He sounded like a Slickster trying to answer questions with smooth answers that said NOTHING. I kept thinking how different things would be if Mitt Romney were speaking and how different his decisions would be about the economy. Too bad we let a few states knock the best man out of the Race. I can add thanks to my state and our RINO Gov for helping McCain go ahead. Charlie Crist is truly a Moron.

Reply 13—Posted by: Red Jeep, 2/10/2009 7:47:02 AM

Ya know you really can appreciate how good Bill Clinton was at dodging questions, lying, and misdirection, smiling all the while, after you watch BO’s song and dance yesterday.

Reply 14—Posted by: sg, 2/10/2009 7:48:15 AM

Tom Brokaw was gushing about Obama’s performance this morning. I started watching presidential press conferences when I was in 7th grade and Kennedy was in office. I didn’t think Obama was so great last night. Rambling. And what’s with the pre-approved list of reporters?

Reply 15—Posted by: sixtiesdude, 2/10/2009 7:55:20 AM

Wow! Can’t be more underwhelming than that if he tries. Which he will. They’ve done a great job of hiding the strings. Didn’t see the hand in Helen Thomas’ back either. Modern puppetry is amazing!

Reply 16—Posted by: rushie, 2/10/2009 7:57:10 AM

And…was there a pre-approved list of questions!

Reply 17—Posted by: mordred, 2/10/2009 7:57:13 AM

Chicago, we know where your idiot is…

Reply 18—Posted by: BirdsNest, 2/10/2009 8:01:54 AM

#7, you’re killin’ me!! BHO was awful, so bad even the LSM noticed. And that’s pretty darned bad.

Reply 19—Posted by: Alkyd Resin, 2/10/2009 8:07:31 AM

I was half way through #7’s post when it stopped being satire and became a real transcript. I gotta stop reading about this dolt for a day or two or I’m gonna blow a major artery. America is doomed.

Reply 20—Posted by: Lily56, 2/10/2009 8:09:10 AM

Obama was so wooden, so completely terrible last night! If he looks and sounds this bad two weeks after inauguration, what can we expect for the next 4 years? I tremble when I consider that a majority of my fellow citizens considered this man worthy of high office.

Reply 21—Posted by: saryden, 2/10/2009 8:10:29 AM

I hear you, #7. It is soothing to hear Mitt Romney explain things. The government should stay out of this recession and let it play out quicker.

And Florida’s Crist should not pour millions into rejuvenating the Okefenokee Swamp. The swamp and the economy would both revive if the sewage (and FannieMae, FreddieMac, and “entitlements”) were stoppered.

Reply 22—Posted by: Charma, 2/10/2009 8:12:00 AM

A prime time press conference?? This guy loves the limelight. There’s nothing else to him. He misses the adoring throngs of the campaign trail and wants to be front and center all the time. This governing stuff is just a bother.

Reply 23—Posted by: saryden, 2/10/2009 8:12:33 AM

I meanat #12.. but had #7 on my mind (smile).

Reply 24—Posted by: earlybird, 2/10/2009 8:12:48 AM

He was really, really bad. A hectoring president insisting that we pay for his undercooked version of what his cronies believe will save the country and make him a hero? What kind of tactics are those? Glide past the typical Shapiro remarks about Bush. Consider them erased. What remains is a significant criticism of That One.

Reply 25—Posted by: CivilServant, 2/10/2009 8:16:27 AM

Indeed a horrible speech………..but with one positive………..we now have- once and for all- a perfect nickname for the “One”……….all we ever need do is refer to this his very first press conference(nice set up questions, BTW….next time at least pretend to randomly pick a reporter)…when we call him……

President Uhh Uhh Uhh Bama……..

Reply 26—Posted by: ex-Democrat, 2/10/2009 8:19:12 AM

Mark Levin cut into it live from his radio show.


Levin’s best line: “where’d he get that? a fortune cookie?”


It was embarassing….abc “news” of course covered up for him immediately afterwards.

Reply 27—Posted by: Watchers, 2/10/2009 8:21:42 AM

Obama is dishonest. We all suspected that, now we know. He mischaracterized opposition to the spending bill and used those mischaracterizations to make fun of those opposing it

Reply 28—Posted by: Galtoid, 2/10/2009 8:22:39 AM

Notice how whenever The One speaks, he makes a point to turn his head from extreme left to extreme right, never actually looking straight into the camera? I figured out why: He doesn’t want a full frontal shot because of his enormous, cartoon/caraciture-like EARS. Down deep, he is an insecure creep who is nothing but a puppet for the Radical Left. Oh, and did I mention he has big ears?

Reply 29—Posted by: BocaLaura, 2/10/2009 8:24:50 AM

You can always tell that Obama didn’t perform well by the paucity of clips shown on the MSM.

Reply 30—Posted by: NorthernDog, 2/10/2009 8:27:08 AM

FTA: the reporters and their questions were little more than potted palms

Anyone remember Hillary’s trick of planting questioners? Looks like Obammy has taken it to a whole new level.

Reply 31—Posted by: Galtoid, 2/10/2009 8:28:28 AM

Can’t wait for the soundbites today on Rush. He’s going to destroy Obama faux news conference.

Reply 32—Posted by: cobieone, 2/10/2009 8:28:51 AM

Indeed number 12! What a difference Mitt Romney would have made dealing with the economy and enemies abroad. Zero is in way over his head and has no idea how to handle the economic situation, or our enemies. Believing the government is the only solution to our economic woes is all you need to know about President Zero. Heaven help us!

Reply 33—Posted by: cap MarineTet68, 2/10/2009 8:31:00 AM

Even aftger giving Zero this incredible stroke—

”He clearly came out in an over-caffeinated mood ready to do battle with his Republican congressional foes, whom he had already vanquished-and, as a result, he over-reacted to last week’s Fox News commentary instead of focusing on the exact shape of the stimulus.”

TNR is still confused by whatever it was Zero said.

Reply 34—Posted by: Daylily, 2/10/2009 8:34:56 AM

First prime time news conference and it was such a bore—definitely orchestrated from start to finish. It was interesting to watch, as he finally finished answering a question, rather than looking into the audience he would check the list on his podium, call out the name, and then look up and say ‘where are you’.

And his comments re Joe Biden—priceless.

Reply 35—Posted by: riabks, 2/10/2009 8:38:26 AM

It was boring and rambling, except for the second question about Iran. It was scary how he didn’t have anything to say and sounded tentative. And I’m sure Iran watched it.

I am definitely in love with sagman’s brain.

Reply 36—Posted by: The Patriot Code, 2/10/2009 8:46:46 AM

The way zero pops up from behind lecterns, with his head on a swivel, he reminds me of a prairie dog.

Reply 37—Posted by: Barbarian Heretic, 2/10/2009 8:47:36 AM

The screaming irony of The Messiah’s A-Rod comment:

“There are no shortcuts; that when you try to take shortcuts you may end up tarnishing your whole career.”


As to Helen Thomas…someone should call Quasimodo and tell him she’s stealing his act…

Reply 38—Posted by: AbuJordan, 2/10/2009 8:50:55 AM

Most of our people don’t want leadership. They don’t want to be told that they have to make tough decisions, which is why GWB was raked over the coals and a conservative will never be able to lead this country.

We just want to be entertained—life is just a early morning talk show. We just want to be told; I’m good enough! I’m smart enough and gosh darnit, everyone like me.

- end of initial entry -

Terry Morris writes:

You wrote:

Now I’ve reached Schumer’s New York office. I barely had said, “This bill is a disaster,” when the young female staffer said, “Thank you,” and hung up.

My God! I cannot imagine what it must be like being a conservative and having Chuck Schumer as my representative in the U.S. Senate.

As for the Lucianne comments, they are too funny. My thoughts while listening to the latter half of Obama’s press conference may be summed up thusly: “This guy must be a PHD because he just keeps piling it higher and deeper, saying everything that can possibly be said about nothing.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 10, 2009 10:07 AM | Send

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