The black preacher Obama has appointed as a presidential advisor

From Meghan Clyne’s article at The Weekly Standard, here are some quotations of Reverend Dr. Otis Moss Jr. (the father of Otis Moss III, the successor of Jeremiah Wright at Trinity Church), whom President Obama has appointed to his advisory committee on faith-based issues (the whole article is worth reading):

You have heard that it was said, “God bless America.” But I say unto you, Pray for all of the Osama bin Ladens and the Saddam Husseins…. I say unto you, Be kind, be as kind to Castro as you are to the Saudi family and the leaders of China and Russia. This, however, is difficult in a society … when we are afflicted or infected with hubris. It’s almost an incurable disease—incurable not because of despair, but because of arrogance.

* * *

When we think of Jamestown, we must see the triple holocaust that came out of Jamestown … that African holocaust, that Native American holocaust, that African-American holocaust. And until we deal with that and place it in the collective memories of our own history, and the wider history of the world, we are in a state of denial—often celebrating when we need to be correcting the propaganda of history.

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I know where the weapons of mass destruction are, and they are not the ones we went looking for in Iraq. I know where they are, and you know where they are! According to statistics, AIDS is a weapon of mass destruction. Miseducation and no education are weapons of mass destruction. Forty-four million people without health care is a weapon of mass destruction.

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Now when I go to the airport I have to take off my shoes—not because the ground is holy ground, but because of a man somewhere in a cave that we can’t find.

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You can travel from New York to California and listen carefully to radio or media and never get outside of the beam of hate.

—end of initial entry—

Kristor writes:

This is great! Obama is batting 1000. Could he possibly be setting things up more perfectly for an enormous reversion of the polis to the mean—i.e., to the Right? He’s cuing up Revolution. Only a few more steps are needed: FOCA; capitulation to Iran’s demands; revocation of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. I doubt he will even need to go so far as reparations to blacks. As the details of the porculus bill work their way into effect, people will begin to get really mad.

This is great! Or it is the beginning of the end.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 14, 2009 04:23 PM | Send

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