Two recommended articles on Darwinism

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Dear Reader,

I would like to recommend the following two articles at VFR:

The word is getting out: Darwinism and God are incompatible (which doesn’t mean that science and God are incompatible)

In Jerry Coyne’s recent article in The New Republic, he says that religion is incompatible with Darwinism (I agree), but then, in an attempt to browbeat religious believers into complete submission to scientific materialism, he goes further and says that religion is incompatible with science itself. I show how Coyne’s two assertions are quite different and must be distinguished from each other.

Random genetic mutation: down the memory hole!

I show how random genetic mutation, one of the two key principles of the Darwinian theory of evolution, is bizarrely absent in the flood of recent articles celebrating the triumph of Darwinism. In an Orwellian change of language, Darwinism is now being routinely described as the theory that natural selection produced evolution, not as the theory that random genetic mutations plus natural selection produced evolution. I argue that random mutation has been erased from the Darwinian account because, one, random mutation has never been shown to be the source of changes beyond small changes within a species, and, two, because even the Darwinians recognize that random mutation is simply unbelievable as an explanation for the origin of species. What the Darwinians are doing, then, is protecting their theory from exposure and discredit by concealing its actual content. Even as they are proclaiming before the world the IRREFUTABLE TRUTH and the FINAL VICTORY of the Darwinian theory of evolution, they are abandoning it before our eyes. The Darwinian enterprise thus reveals itself as a palpable fraud, to anyone who has not willfully blinded himself to the emperor’s nakedness.

As a final note, may I suggest, if you read any Darwin-celebrating articles in the media, that you look for references in the article to random genetic mutation (I don’t mean references to “genes” or “genetics,” but to random genetic mutations.) If you find any, please let me know. Perhaps my theory of the Darwinian theory of evolution will be proved wrong.


Lawrence Auster

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 21, 2009 04:22 PM | Send

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