Let the brave, honest national dialog on race begin!

Seeking to set an example and lead white America out of its essential cowardice on race, Mark Jaws has stepped into the breach, saying what he really thinks about race, meaning, what he really thinks about blacks. VFR looks forward to similarly honest and truthful public statements from millions of whites all across this land. With even greater anticipation, it looks forward to Attorney General Holder’s response. Mark Jaws writes:

Having served in the military and defense contracting for over 30 years, I have had experience with thousands of blacks—an unhealthy percentage of whom are at best marginally qualified for the jobs they “perform.” In the armed forces blacks have been traditionally concentrated in the combat service support branches such as personnel, administration, supply, food service, security, etc. Up until recently it was very rare to see black intelligence analysts, computer technicians, software engineers, repairmen, etc. When blacks work in the info tech arena it is 90% of the time as “system administrators.” In other words, blacks are quasi-proficient in monitoring things and following procedures, but they are washouts when it comes to developing new concepts or even fixing problems. Not very often, but perhaps two or three times a year, I meet a black person whom I would regard as an intellectual peer.

A few weeks ago I had the experience of meeting with a mid to senior level official (GS-15) in the Department of Defense. He was a retired black colonel in a fairly technical field requiring quick decision making skills and articulation. I was aghast to hear this gentleman speak Ebonics. He could not conjugate verbs correctly and he was next to impossible to understand. Remember, I grew up with blacks and attended City College in Harlem. I have been used to their talk for over 45 years. If I could not understand this gentlemen, how in heaven’s name could his white subordinates from Maine, Vermont, Minnesota have ever understood anything this guy jabbered over the years? And how could this fellow have been promoted into positions of increased responsibility? Well, we know that answer.

- end of initial entry -

James N. writes:

Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a thousand schools of thought contend!

Sailing the sea depends on the helmsman!

A revolution is not a dinner party!

Tim W. writes:

It remains to be seen whether Holder’s speech causes mainstream conservatives to wake up. Most such conservatives have erected a series of defenses against racial realism. They realize at some level that the rantings of people like Holder are dangerous, but just can’t bring themselves to admit that we’ll never have a color-blind society. They also can’t admit that the impending loss of America’s white majority means the end of conservatism as anything other than a marginalized philosophy.

One of the latest mainstream conservative defense mechanisms is to accuse past racial wrongdoing on the Democrats. Democrats supported slavery, instituted Jim Crow, stood in schoolhouse doors to prevent integration, provided most of the opposition to the civil rights laws of the 1960s. In contrast, Republican Lincoln opposed slavery, Republican Earl Warren integrated the schools, Republican Eisenhower was the first to use troops to enforce integration orders, Republicans voted for the civil rights laws in greater proportion than the Democrats.

There are many problems with this position, but the main one is that it effectively concedes that Holder is correct about America being historically an evil place. It just blames it all on Democrats. Confronted with Holder’s speech, many of the posters at FreeRepublic would respond by telling Holder that he should blame his own party (as if today’s Democratic Party resembles the old party in anything other than name). Presumably, if it hadn’t been for Democrats like Jefferson Davis and Pitchfork Ben Tillman we’d have had affirmative action, diversity indoctrination, and a massive black-on-white violent crime spree a lot sooner and today all would be right with the world.

LA replies:

The mainstream conservatives can’t admit that Muslims seek sharia law, can’t admit that if blacks gain power they will seek revenge on and ever increasing expropriation of whites, can’t admit that Mexicans are hostile to the United States, because to admit these things would mean the end of their entire ideology, their raison d’etre. So instead of admitting that they’re wrong and dropping the policies that are empowering sharia, black vengeance, and the Mexicanization of America, they will continue these policies. They will never take in the meaning of Holder’s speech.

Mark A. writes:

I would like to take this opportunity to extend my support for a Mark Jaws 2012 Presidential campaign.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 22, 2009 02:22 AM | Send

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