Sowell and Iran

Thomas Sowell is near despair about Iranian nukes.

I don’t know what more there is to say at this point. I’ve written so many times that we must use military force to destroy or degrade Iran’s nuclear program. But George (“Talk like Napoleon but keep giving your enemies a back rub”) Bush dropped the ball, and Obama’s an out-and-out appeaser, and the only hope left is Netanyahu, in whom I do not have confidence.

However, there was some element of self-indulgence in the article. Sowell’s nightmare scenario in which America would inevitably surrender to Iran, if not after the nuclear destruction of one U.S. city, then after the destruction of two, or three, or four, assumes that we would not have the will and ability to destroy Iran’s capacity to attack us after the first U.S. city was destroyed. I think Sowell was uncharacteristically down in the dumps and indulging in emotions when he wrote this despairing column.

The situation is very bad. It is not as dire and hopeless as Sowell is claiming.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 26, 2009 10:38 AM | Send

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