Without Christ and Christianity, can we defend the West from Islam? An open letter to Geert Wilders

Alan Roebuck writes:

Dear Mr. Wilders,

I recently viewed a video of your talk in Manhattan that occurred on Feb. 25 of this year. Your courage in opposing Islam, and your integrity in recognizing the threat and taking action based on this knowledge, are impressive. May God protect you and give you courage!

I just want to add one thing: I have heard that you are not a Christian. I appeal to you as a brother in Western Civilization and a fellow fighter against its enemies, to investigate and embrace the faith of your fathers, which would be (I presume) the Dutch Reformed version of Protestant Christianity. I am currently in the process of joining the United Reformed Church of North America, an American offshoot of the Dutch Reformed Church, and I can testify as a community college professor of mathematics who also has a degree in physics from the University of California that Christianity can withstand the most rigorous and honest intellectual scrutiny.

Furthermore, only the Faith of our Fathers can enable us ultimately to withstand the challenge of Islam.

Alan Roebuck

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 27, 2009 02:04 PM | Send

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