A rebellion in the works?
The country is not as submissive and helpless before the Democratic socialist juggernaut as the New York Times would have us believe. There have been grass roots protests against Obama’s plans all around the country, discussed by Michelle Malkin. Also, people have been noticing that Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged is more relevant than ever before. I don’t mean the novel’s whacked out parts, e.g., the godlessness that drives Rand to make her heroes into substitute gods, and her villains, including people who believe in God, into subhuman “mystics” who deserve death (in her desire to destroy religion and eliminate religious believers Rand was identical to the Bolsheviks she opposed), but its valid parts, for example, its theme of the relentless drive by the people Rand calls the “looters” to seize the wealth of those who have earned it and transfer to those who have not. What we see happening now is looting unprecedented in American history—along with open boasting of such looting. The fundamentally evil and destructive nature of the left is coming out as never before. Their vision really is of a society in which the government controls all means of production, and no wealth is left in private hands, except the hands of those the government favors. Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 27, 2009 10:48 PM | Send Email entry |