Physician Phillips, heal thyself, cont.

Melanie Phillips catches the worthless Tony Blair in lamenting the decline of Christianity in Britain, when as prime minister he pushed a human rights agenda that attacked the basic ability of Christian institutions to function as such. Specifically his government passed the Sexual Orientation Regulations banning all discrimination against homosexuals in the provision of goods and services, a law that forced Catholic adoption agencies out of the adoption field, as they oppose adoptions to homosexual couples.

Phillips nails Blair on this obvious contradiction. But she leaves out the fact that, while she denounced the refusal of the Blair government to exempt the Catholic adoption agencies from the Sexual Orientation Regulations, she had not a word to say against the Regulations themselves (see this and this). Similarly, Phillips endlessly laments the regime of “political correctness,” which makes it professionally and socially dangerous for people to criticize Islam, but, to my knowledge, she has never challenged the existing hate-speech laws, which make it criminal to criticize Islam.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 08, 2009 03:17 PM | Send

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