The supposedly race-blind liberal media defines a “true American”

Obama is the more perfect union. He is a house united… . [J]ust by virtue of his being, Obama is America, and the first true American to lead our nation.
— PBS commentator John Ridley, quoted in “Mania Builds for Obama,” Stephen Webster, American Renaissance, March 2009 (original video from PBS station KCET).

Solely by the fact that he is nonwhite and race-mixed, purely by virtue of his inherited racial being, Obama is the first true American to be president. None of the previous presidents were true Americans, because they were white. Meaning that no white people are true Americans. Only nonwhite, race-mixed people are true Americans. And this was said on the Public Broadcasting Service, paid for by federal dollars. Meanwhile, even as nonwhiteness is made the definition of America, to make the slightest positive mention of whiteness means the instant end of any mainstream career.

Don’t forget what Ridley said. Whenever you or other whites are called racist, quote Ridley’s comment, because shows that the standard by which whites are considered racists is a total lie. Liberalism is not about making race unimportant. Liberalism is about elevating nonwhites, particularly blacks, over whites, and about turning whites into non-persons. Liberalism is pure racism under the guise of anti-racism. What “anti-racism” really means is simply anti-whiteness.

And don’t think that it’s just blacks like Ridley and the left-liberal mainstream media that validate this anti-white message. As I showed after Obama’s inauguration, leading “conservative” opinion makers Peggy Noonan and David Horowitz, who of course have always insisted that America is not based on race but on a race-blind idea, now celebrate the reconstruction of American identity along lines of nonwhite racial consciousness. According to both Noonan and Horowitz, that which makes a true American unity possible for the first time is nonwhite people’s racial identification with a nonwhite president.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 10, 2009 10:25 AM | Send

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