The Dead Island continues to decay
(Note to English readers: I don’t say things like the above to put you down or discourage you, but to rouse you.) Clark Coleman writes:
I read a couple of items in an NRA magazine tonight that seemed so absurd that I had to track down confirming stories. March 17 Keith J. writes from Britain:
If the Establishment of a Nation is almost totally disconnected from the main body of the people, then one does not use its doings as an accurate index of the condition of the Nation.LA replies:
I take your point, but my reply would be, where are the signs of the body of the people resisting the Establishment? I don’t see resistance, I see grumbling. Conservative readers’ comments in British publications almost uniformly do not express outrage and indignation at the things going on; they express sad resignation, they grumble. I’ve pointed out many times how even the most supposedly conservative critical voices among the British commentariat have nothing to say beyond some vague protest, like Leo McKinstry’s pathetic remark the other day that the country must “stand up” to the radical Muslims, without his giving any notion of what such “standing up” would consist of. There are no conservatives arguing for a concrete direction different from what Britain is doing now.Sage McLaughln writes:
I’d add to your reply to Keith J. that his image of a British people wholly disconnected with its establishment is somewhat misconceived. Average Brits display every bit the suicidal leftism as their government and media elites, they consistently vote Labor and Labor-lite politicians into office, thereby affirming their rhetoric. Most of all, they spend their time doing exactly what the establishment wants them to do, which is to debase themselves and to imitate their outrageously trashy entertainment. British (and, yes, American) conservatives aren’t even able to summon up enough resistance to such bilge to boycott it, much less denounce it publicly. Even when their protests of liberal tyranny are seemingly vital, such protests are often extremely degraded. Witness the response to the ban on fox-hunting, which allowed its emblematic symbol to be two English women standing topless with hunting coats painted over their nakedness.LA replies:
I want to underscore Mr. McLaughlin’s point that not just the extreme decadence of Britain’s “mainstream” culture, but the fact that everyone seems to accept the decadence as a matter of course, is proof of collective death. Only a total critique and rejection of the current established views and attitudes in Britain—by which I mean not just its embrace of unassimilable and dangerous aliens, but its entire moral character as a society—can save the country. And to do that, people must step outside of what Britain now is, must cease to share its premises. They need to step outside of liberalism and become traditionalists.LA wrote to Sage M.:
Strong statement!Sage M. replies:
I am passionate on this subject, because I see in the British what we’re becoming, in our own way, and I loathe it. Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 16, 2009 11:46 PM | Send Email entry |