Rothbard on racial separation, 1994

From the “O Tempora, O Mores!” section of the June 1994 issue of American Renaissance:

The Rothbard-Rockwell Report is a refreshingly sharp commentary on the forces of lunacy that are destroying our country. The April 1994 issue has an excellent cover story by Murray Rothbard entitled The Vital Importance of Separation. Professor Rothbard notes the ethnic and tribal tensions that are evident everywhere from the Middle East to what used to be Yugoslavia, and observes:

Beyond a small quantity, national heterogeneity simply does not work; the “nation” disintegrates into more than one nation, and the need for separation becomes acute.

He explains that the obvious solution to South Africa’s agonies is Grand Apartheid, or the establishment of separate, sovereign nations based on race and ethnicity. He also points out that the desire for separation is perfectly legitimate. “Why,” asks Prof. Rothbard, “is it “racist’ to want to be left alone?”

Most remarkable of all, Prof. Rothbard follows his logic home to the United States:

We are now probably a lot more than two nations, and we had better start giving serious thought to national separation. To those who think that the main problem is restricting the number and types of immigration, the best answer is that such a policy is decades too late. We are already far more than one nation within the borders of the U.S.A., let alone worry about the immigrants. To greet the very raising of such questions with the mindless cry of “racism’ or “chauvinism’ misses the entire point.

We might not be able any longer to bring back the Old Republic across the entire land area of the 50 states. But we may be able to bring it back in a substantial part of that land area.

“We must dare to think the unthinkable …,” concludes Prof. Rothbard, a man who practices what he preaches.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 22, 2009 04:35 PM | Send

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