Where is Hirsi Ali?

(Note: see March 22 follow-up, in which Ali makes stronger statements against Islam than she has previously done and even speaks of the danger of Muslims immigration, which I don’t think she has done before.)

At her website, Our Changing Landscape, Kidist Paulos Asrat looks into the current doings of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, about whom we have not heard much lately. The article concludes on these very interesting points:

I had predicted a while ago that [Ali’s] leftist, feminist stance, coupled with her atheism, would diminish her importance in the public debate against Islam. In fact, unless one makes an effort to find her, she is keeping a very low profile and seems to have left the world of politics. Perhaps her role now will be a restricted one as a representative of Muslim women in the West who are suffering under Islam.

Her ambitious goals to reform Islam, or to reconcile Islam with Western values and philosophies, have been curtailed, if not abandoned.

If Miss Asrat’s view is correct, it would confirm my long-time argument (for which I’ve been attacked by a one-time secularist ally, as well as been called anti-woman by a contributor at New Oxford Review) that Hirsi Ali is a person whose leftist beliefs and residual Muslim identity make it impossible for her to be a whole-hearted defender of the West against the threat of Islam.

Here are some of my articles about her:

Hirsi Ali, the conservatives’ hero, wants to ban Belgian party

What happened in Brussels: Our present, our future [arrest of Vlaams Belang leaders shows what Ali wants.]

Hirsi Ali, the conservatives’ hero, lets it all hang out [Ali equates Catholicism with Nazism.]

Hirsi Ali’s anti-Christian agenda

Why does Robert Spencer, a Christian conservative, support Hirsi Ali?

Secularists who oppose religion instead of Islam [The leftist, secularist anti-Islamist manifesto signed by Hirsi Ali, Ibn Warraq and others.]

Draft manifesto: Together facing the new Islamic jihad [My alternative manifesto to the secularist leftist manifesto.]

Now we finally know for sure where Ali is really at [Ali only opposes the promotion of sharia if it’s promoted by violence and intimidation]

What Hirsi Ali wants [She doesn’t believe in the West, but in using the West to spread “the open society,” a world-wide open field of radically liberated individuals.]

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 20, 2009 04:08 PM | Send

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