Leftist Israelis claim war crimes in Gaza

Read Melanie Phillips on the latest false atrocity story from the left. This one has to do with Israeli soldiers claiming that other Israeli soldiers deliberately killed Palestinian civilians during the Gaza operation; but it turns out that the people telling these stories were not there, and one of them has a long established record as an Israel hater. It’s the IDF version of John Kerry’s lying testimony before the Senate in 1971 about U.S. soldiers in Vietnam gratuitously torturing and murdering Vietnamese civilians and carrying on like “Jenjis” Khan.

Look at it this way. Do you remember the massacre of hundreds, even thousands, of Palestinians in the Jenin refugee camp in 2002 which was trumpeted and presented as established fact in every newspaper in the world, and it turned out to be a complete fake, as even the Palestinians admitted? Well, there are eight million Jenins in the Leftist World, and this has been one of them.

Or, as I wrote after the fake Qana massacre in Lebanaon in August 2006,

In the dark night of the soul, said F. Scott Fitzgerald, it is always 3 o’clock in the morning. And in the lurid fantasies of the anti-Western mind, it is always the Jenin massacre.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 22, 2009 04:25 PM | Send

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