A new spokesman for Britain?

(See Sebastian’s comment about the return of anti-big government conservatism in resistance to the Obama nightmare. If Sebastian is right, it supports the point I made a thousand times that the defeat of McCain, and before that, the defeat of Bush in 2004, by freeing the Republican party from liberal-leaning leaders, would result in a restoration of genuine conservatism, while the victory of those leaders would continue and deepen the ruin of conservatism.)

A. Zarkov writes:

Daniel Hannan representing South East England, seems to have created a stir with his speech at the European Parliament on March 26. The video is here . His blog is here. Hannan has also published a book called, “The Plan: Twelve months to renew Britain, which is available for sale at Amazon, and is also available in electronic form as a download. British Channel 4 ran this coverage which I regard as a hit piece. Nevertheless because of the Internet and YouTube, the left with their running dogs in the press can’t ignore him. They of course tried. Now they have to deal with him. Look for a smear campaign.

Hannan used his speaking time at European Parliament extremely efficiently hitting hard in the style of a good debater. Gordon Brown had to spend yet more uncomfortable moments in public.

- end of initial entry -

Sebastian writes:

Re your post on Daniel Hannan, he appeared on Cavuto’s Fox News show and said, inter alia, he would have voted for Ron Paul.

Movement GOP types now sound like fiscal conservatives. There is a definite shift. Judge Napolitano has his own Fox News web show, where he recently hosted Peter Schiff, Lew Rockwell and even Alex Jones. Glenn Beck is becoming something altogether different from the Kristol-Krauthammer-Brooks axis, interviewing both Paul and Celente and reporting on the FEMA camps and the possibility of genuine social unrest. Frum can’t get a taxi. And from what a friend told me last night, Mark Levin’s new book reads like a tract from the Goldwater days. It’s as if the profligates who got us into this easy credit mess are now saying “I told you so.” Men like Marc Faber and Jim Rogers who spent the past eight years warning us about the eventual devaluation of our currencies and the Fed’s irresponsibility are all the rage. Better late than never I guess.

Hannon writes:

Re this video clip, does the UK now have Fabian Society members randomly gadding about the cityscape? Or was that guy stock for hire on notice?

Sage McLaughlin writes:

Hannan is an outstanding orator, a man of genuine eloquence and a command of language that suggests some real intellectual heft. He’s also in many ways really conservative as these things go in Britain, being a Eurosceptic and a defender of Britain’s formal legal prerogatves and independence.

But, alas, he’s also an Obama fan and apologist, and, as far as I’ve been able to discern, not particularly reliable on the real gritty issues of blood and culture (check out his weblog). I think what he actually is deep down is a basically responsible and decent politician who does his dead-level best to represent his constituents and their interests. This does not by itself make him much of a serious conservative, and I’m approaching the sudden enthusiasm for him with some caution. I don’t keep up with the positions of MEP’s very closely at all, and I’d be interested to find out more about the man’s record.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 28, 2009 01:07 PM | Send

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