Another decapitation in America

A young man in Boston beheaded his five-year-old sister and stabbed to death another sister, who managed to call 911 before she died.

The family is black. There’s no indication that these murders were Islam-motivated. As I’ve said before, however, the spread of Islam, and, with it, of Islamic beheading, has the secondary effect that murder by beheading is spreading in thought, and thus in deed.

Since the AP’s account is disjointed and confusing, here is my summary of what happened. While their parents were away from home and their grandmother was doing laundry in the basement, Kerby Revelus, 23, attacked three of his sisters with a kitchen knife in their Boston apartment (which is apparently located in a house). First he stabbed Samantha, 17. Samantha called 911, then, dying, handed the phone to Saraphina, 9, who completed the call. An officer arrived within a minute of the call and, hearing screams, kicked in the door of the apartment, where he saw Kerby decapitate his five year old sister, Bianca. As other officers arrived, Kerby ran into a bedroom and began to attack Saraphina, and two officers shot him dead. Samantha died of her wounds. Saraphina has been treated for multiple stab wounds and has survived.

- end of initial entry -

Anthony Damato writes:

One sister who escaped the savagery unharmed said the following in a manner totally devoid of any real emotion, or awareness of the horror of the event, “The Bible says to forgive … he’s my brother.” That’s all. Total savagery, and she makes a matter of fact statement to the news, that indicates a total perversion of Christian teaching. Her reaction was at the same time disturbing and alien. Alien to anyone not a product of what appears a lost, confused, soulless generation. Meanwhile, the media wants to know why he did it. Can’t someone be simply crazy, or evil, or sick? The unharmed sister said “He was a badass, but jail was not the right place for him.” Oh really. If he was in jail for his more than sufficient demonstrations of violence, her sisters would not have been killed that day. Then, the family decides to have a funeral for their son, and daughters together.

Is it me, or is this, and the daughter’s response a sign that there is a key moral component missing in these people?

LA replies:

She’s a total Eloi, with no sense of having a right to live or be protected from murderers.

Think about this amazing fact, that liberalism simultaneously makes the human self the highest thing, AND devalues the human self to such a degree that it takes away any indignation, outrage, or instinct of self-protection which people would normally experience in response to the act or the threat of murder. Why? Because, without a truth beyond the self, there’s no reason for the self to live, and there’s nothing essentially wrong with killing people.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 01, 2009 03:28 PM | Send

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