Police in Luton use truncheons to stop protest against Muslims’ insults to British soldiers

The below story, from the UK’s Daily Star, seems an unbelievable and hideously outrageous instance of the anti-white double standard, but it may not be, in that (as only mentioned at the very end of the article) the police say that the group they were suppressing had not sought legal permission for a demo, whereas last month the Muslims did. More research is needed.

Mike Berman writes:

In the entry on America brownshirts, Charles T. writes:

… one must conclude that reasoning with people and movements like this is not possible. The proper use of force has to be used against them in the form of government and police power to allow others to exercise their political freedoms the Constitution is supposed to afford every citizen. However, if the government does not protect the rights of people opposed by the brownshirts, what are we to do?

The problem is that the liberals are, in most cases, firmly in control and are using police power to ensure the suppression of free speech for their adversaries. Here is a recent example of the double standard:


ABOVE: Riot police block yesterday’s march through Luton

14th April 2009
By Ross Kaniuk EXCLUSIVE

POLICE broke up a march yesterday by British people wanting to “reclaim” their streets from Muslim fanatics.

Officers said it was illegal to stage the protest in Luton where extremists were allowed only last month to shout abuse at troops home from Iraq.

Riot police with horses and dogs sealed off the town centre before scuffles broke out and several of the 200 demonstrators were arrested.

Last night onlookers accused the police of “breathtaking double standards”.

Sean Smith, 32, said: “I saw one guy who shouted ‘let us march’ and a policeman whacked him with his truncheon and knocked two of his teeth out.”

Organisers of the rally claimed they had intended a peaceful protest march to object to the council and police’s failure to stop hate-filled Muslims ruining last month’s Army parade.

But they were confronted by lines of riot police and penned in for two hours.

When some burst through the police ring several were hit with truncheons as frightened shoppers ran for cover.

Upholsterer Rodney Fletcher, 37, said: “The police were far too heavy-handed. It seems if you’re Muslim you can do it, but not if you’re white.

“We didn’t come for violence and the police reaction is bang out of order.”

A police spokesman said: “Police will support anybody who wishes to hold a protest if it’s held in line with public safety.

“An individual applied for permission for last month’s Muslim protest and it was granted.

“But this was an illegal protest because no one had applied for permission.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 17, 2009 01:06 PM | Send

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