Since, as I argue, non-discrimination is the ruling principle of modern liberal society, I thought it might be interesting to search for the VFR entries that contain the word non-discrimination. There are 258 of them. The list may serve as a reference aide for those pursuing a degree at the Institute for the Study of Liberal Society.
The ISLS, of course, does not exist, but it needs to exist and ought to exist. Liberal society has innumerable institutions, universities, law schools, media organizations, and foundations devoted in one way or another to the critique and debunking of everything about America and the West that is traditional or non-liberal. To a great extent, the liberal project has advanced itself and acquired its power through the criticism of tradition. But there is not a single institution devoted to the critical study of liberal society itself—its ideology, its functioning, its methods of control, its inner contradictions, its destructive course. Email entry |