Jan “the Man” Napolitano says mistakes were made in “rightwing extremism” report

(This entry was drafted on April 26.)

Van Wijk writes:

Napolitano apologizes to veteran’s group.

No apology is forthcoming for the rest of us, though.

LA replies:

Ha. What’s she gonna do? Apologize to half of America?

Veterans are an official, recognized interest group, so they get the standard political treatment: first you smear them (appealing to your leftist, anti-military constituency), then you stroke them (appealing to the conservative, pro-military constituency and to the military itself). It’s the usual politics. Everyone plays his part, and everyone ends up happy.

But people who oppose Obama’s radical left program and who Napolitano’s report described as potential terrorists—half the country—are not a recognized interest group. They are the enemy. They don’t get stroking.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 04, 2009 09:21 AM | Send

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