McCarthy speaks truth to Holder

Be sure to read Andrew McCarthy’s magnificent letter to Attorney General Holder declining the invitation to participate in a dog-and-pony conference at the Justice Department the only purpose of which will be to provide cover for the administration’s treasonous and dictatorial policy on terrorist detainees.

What I mean by dictatorial (McCarthy of course does not use such a word) is made clear at one of the high points of the letter. McCarthy says that in light of Obama’s and Holder’s position that

government lawyers who offered good faith advice on interrogation policy … may be subject to investigation and prosecution for the content of that advice, … any prudent lawyer would have to hesitate before offering advice to the government….

Given your policy of conducting ruinous criminal and ethics investigations of lawyers over the advice they offer the government, and your specific position that the wartime detention I would endorse is tantamount to a violation of law, it makes little sense for me to attend the Task Force meeting. After all, my choice would be to remain silent or risk jeopardizing myself.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 01, 2009 07:36 PM | Send

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