The Bush legacy

James R. wrote (May 4):

At the “epicenter of Bush adoration,” as I believe you once described, most L-Dotters seem to have seen quite enough of the Bushes:

Reply 25—Posted by: sunchaser, 5/3/2009 9:38:07 PM (No. 5490330)

Well, Jeb, in the spirit of compassionate conservatism, I compassionately implore you to go find a corner and a stool, then sit down, face the wall, and shut up. I’ll never vote for another Bush, for anything, period.

LA replies:

Not to say I told you so, but I knew that, in 2000. I said over and over, “Despite the fact that George W. seems better than his father in some ways, he’s still a Bush.” And Bushes always end up betraying conservatives.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 09, 2009 03:41 PM | Send

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