Limbaugh echoed Bush-Rice line that it’s racist to doubt Muslim democratization

From a VFR discussion, May 2004:

GWB isn’t alone in his assertion that “all the world’s peoples want democracy.” A few weeks ago, I was making a long drive. To pass the time, I listened to Rush Limbaugh, which I sometimes do when on a long drive.

Limbaugh was bellowing out this very line. “All people want freedom and democracy. We are going to give it to them.” Limbaugh seemed to say that we’ll give Iraq democracy even if we blow them up doing so. He said that it’s “racist” to think Arabs can’t practice American-style democracy. He went on like this for an hour, without even taking any calls.

Some of us have chastised Limbaugh on this Forum for his refusal to discuss the immigration issue. This fits in with his “everybody wants democracy” claims.

Posted by: David on May 4, 2004 2:38 PM

What David says about Rush Limbaugh is truly distressing. I don’t remember him in the past saying anything that ideological and foolish. So now Rush gets added to Podhoretz, Decter, Bush, Rice, and Hanson in the “All people want the same things, therefore all people are capable of creating and maintaining democracy, and anyone who doubts this proposition is a racist” crowd. How terribly sad.

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on May 4, 2004 2:43 PM

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 06, 2009 08:46 PM | Send

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