“Student” who led violent disruption of Tancredo talk may lose her scholarship

Gintas writes:

Dennis Mangan has two posts about the leader of the violent protests against Tom Tancredo at the University of North Carolina. The first:

Student who led Tancredo protest may lose her scholarship

Sometimes there is justice in the world: Haley Koch, the student who led the forces that prevented Tom Tancredo from speaking at UNC, may lose her scholarship—it’s a full ride too, which the linked article says is worth a total of around $140,000. With some luck the little fascist will be expelled from the university too. Her background isn’t too surprising: she comes from a leftist family…

She spent some time in Africa too, cavorting with the locals.

The comments are a bit racier than is normal over there, because when Mangan says “cavorting with the locals”, it’s a link to an image of some Alice Roberts types gone native (and that includes being topless).

There’s a followup:

Young American Liberals in Africa

Check out this classic photo (NSFW, though your boss would probably just laugh) of five college kids on an expensive tourist vacation in South Africa—our friend is closest to the camera.

We know that they’re Americans—though the rest of the world is catching up—because at least two, maybe three, are overweight, and they would look a lot better if they weren’t half naked. Somewhat to their credit, they seem to understand that their play-acting looks ridiculous, because they all have a sort of sheepish, embarrassed look, and our friend has completely covered her face.

- end of initial entry -

Ross W. writes:

This article refers to a student as Koch’s “fellow senior.” In what sense, if she is a senior, could her scholarship funds be taken away? The bills have already been paid—the foundation can’t make Koch repay the tuition bill they’ve already footed. The article also mentions that the trustees of the scholarship, in not meeting till August 2, would need to call a special session to decide her faith. Though one source suggests she has already been “denied access” to some of her funds (whatever that means—most scholarship stipends are granted at the beginning of a semester), it seems unlikely that she will face any real consequences from the committee. Why has Chapel Hill not followed through in prosecuting her under the auspices of the honor court? Perhaps it’s time to ask the Chancellor his thoughts on the matter.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 09, 2009 05:19 PM | Send

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