Race for blacks, not for whites; race for me, not for thee

Paul K. writes:

As I was driving behind a black family today, I noticed they had a bumper sticker showing a black toddler looking at an image of Barack Obama on a computer screen, with the caption, “I Am the Color of Change.” So, for anyone who didn’t get it, that’s what the election was all about.


LA replies:

And this is what made David Horowitz and Peggy Noonan so happy at Obama’s inauguration, that for the first time in American history, nonwhites could RELATE to the president, because he was a nonwhite too. And so, Horowitz and Noonan exulted, nonwhites felt themselves a part of America and we were therefore truly one country for the first time, because the president was nonwhite. Meaning that national unity is now dependent on the nonwhite race consciousness of nonwhites.

The triumphal song of the neocons:

Race-blindness for us, not for them
Race-blindness for us, not for them.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 18, 2009 11:30 AM | Send

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