A question to the world

Do I really have to know what something called Twitter is?

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Nosy writes:

Short answer: No.

Longer answer: No. 140 characters isn’t enough to say anything all that interesting.

Here’s a short article describing it if you care to read it.

Ben W. writes:

LA: “Do I really have to know what something called Twitter is”

Yes, because it would allow the sycophants to follow you around, heeding your every tweet.

LA replies:

Thanks for the informaiton. I asked because suddenly, everywhere I turn, I’m hearing references to Twitter.

May 20

Stephen T. writes:

Nielsen, the worldwide rating service, did an interesting study of Twitter. Bottom line; fully 60 percent of people who sign up for it use it for about a month … then never use it again. Reason (in my opinion): they realize there’s no earthly need for it, and that their minute-to-minute thoughts and daily comings and goings (“hi everybody, i’m standing in line at the post office. it’s hot outside. next I’m taking the dog to the vet”) really aren’t that interesting after all. This is anathema to the age of connectivity but I don’t WANT everyone to know what I’m thinking every minute of the day. Nor where I am, nor what I’m doing, for that matter.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 17, 2009 08:51 PM | Send

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