Do the British people not have the right to exist as a people?

James N. writes:

R. Mason’s comment following the Ruth Gledhill article in the London Times deserves a thread all its own. It is the key to unlocking many minds imprisoned by guilt and shame, and guarded by propaganda.

Here is R. Mason’s comment:

For decades the three main parties have conduced to the destruction of everything that made Britain a great and progressive nation : its traditional values, especially its commitment to marriage & the family, discipline, honesty, high standards and community spirit; pride in its history and its racial & cultural identity, and political independence and individual freedom; its great industries, farming and rural life, splendid armed forces, exemplary educational system, first-class Health and other public services, and an established Christianity which kept alive a spiritual vision counteracting the growing dominance of materialism and commercialism—and their corollary individual selfishness, greed, and lack of principle.

During all this time Anglican Bishops and Archbishops have either actually helped to foster this ‘change’ (for the worse), or said little or nothing to oppose it.

Now, at last, we have a party which stands unequivocally for a return to a better, decent Britain, senior clergy call for voters to boycott it, and continue to support the corrupt gang of politicians whose private lives are as rotten as their cynical public ones.

Any why? Because the BNP claims for the British People the same things that Marxists and so-called ‘liberals’ hysterically demand for anyone who is not White : to retain their racial & cultural identity, and the right to govern themselves in their own way. Do we not have such a Right ? And one unhampered by the ever-increasing, shameless & arrogant demands of millions of Third World immigrants who have fled to Britain (and other European countries) to get away from the mess they have made of their own lands, notwithstanding the billions of pounds of aid poured in by the despised and abused West?

To me ‘racism’ means an irrational & baseless hatred of people on the simple grounds that they are of a different race. I don’t ‘hate’ anyone because they are not the same as my own kith & kin, but neither am I prepared to sit passively by while the nation that I love, and for which I feel a great pride, is biologically exterminated by a tidal wave of Africans and Asians. If I DO feel any hatred, it is for the churchmen, the journalists and disparate opinion-makers who actively promote this and other evils, and for whom ‘British’ is nothing but a piece of paper that can be dished out to all-comers like confetti; and who compound their shallow beliefs by abusing those with the courage to stand up for our betrayed heritage.

Posted by: R Mason | 24 May 2009 14:57:46

James N. writes:
The entire “anti-racist” philosophy which is destroying the historic West cannot stand before Mason’s question: “Do we not have such a Right (to retain our racial & cultural identity, and the right to govern ourselves in our own way)?”

DO WE NOT HAVE SUCH A RIGHT? That’s the question which the guardians of Leftist orthodoxy cannot answer, that’s the question that makes them tremble. If the people ever are allowed to hear the question asked, by actors who cannot be demonized, shamed, or suppressed, their entire edifice built of heresy, apostasy, and treason, constructed entirely of words amplified to an irresistible force by modern technology, may crumble in a fortnight.

It’s why the “responsible” “conservatives” like Bush, Ridge, McCain, Graham, Powell, and all the rest fear the people more than they fear the Left. They even fear entertainers like Rush Limbaugh, lest the people begin to awaken. The people are misled in order that they may be misruled, like King Theoden of Rohan. All the wormtongues like Bush use conservative words to soothe the people while they secretly flatter Saruman and hope for better things for themselves in the coming brown future.

But Mason’s question shines out, like the brilliance of the staff of Gandalf the White: DO WE NOT HAVE SUCH A RIGHT? Let’s start asking the question, everywhere.

- end of initial entry -

M Johansson writes from Sweden:

R. Mason is asking if we have a right to preserve our national identity. I would like to suggest a follow-up question. One to ask ourselves. “Who are denying us this right and why?” I suggest a Marxist answer, but I welcome alternative explanations: they are the elite, the bourgeoisie if you like, the ruling class. We are the people, the working class, the proletariat. For them this is only a small battle in an ongoing class war, and we should view it the same way.

If you are a low-income couple in my country, Sweden, you can never be quite sure that your children will learn Swedish properly. You don’t want any daughters because she’ll probably be raped. Let’s say you live in Ragsved, a small suburb outside Stockholm which has for ever secured a place in the conciousness of the Swedish people because it’s the place where our most loved rock group, the punk band Ebba Gron came from.

Back then, in the seventies, you could still make the case that the Swedish national Geist was living in Ragsved, and other such small concrete suburbs. It was then and is now an architectonic abomination, but it was the place where the Swedish working class lived and that meant something, as Ebba Gron showed, and others like them, poets, filmmakers, novelists, creative working class people. Today that is all gone, and in a way what has happened is the complete eradication of the Swedish working class as a unified conciousness. I don’t think we always realized, I’m sure Ebba Gron didn’t, that our collective energy would disappear as soon as our national identity was taken from us, we liked to view ourselves as cosmopolitans. But now we know.

May 26

John B writes:

The comment of M. Johansson occasioned one of my periodic reflections—taking place every fifteen minutes or so—that the white race is hapless, doomed. In the fashion of the white commoner, he identifies the disease as the cure. Allow me to inform you, Mr. J: I am the bourgeoisie—and the only reason liberals have attained their dominance over me and countless others is that a sizable portion of the white electorate is composed of persons whose chief characteristic is the brainless resentment your comment typifies. In the schoolyard, its form is the bullying of anyone who tucks his shirt in; later in life, it’s—well, you.

John B. writes:

After sending the comment to you, I felt a little bad—because it was so harsh. I am simply tired of hearing from “the people” to the effect that they are the repository of virtue—political and otherwise. They are not. Liberals have attained power by acting on and promulgating a Marxist view of social life—by exploiting resentment of the sort that Mr. Johansson’s statement reveals; yet what is his reaction when, at last, he discerns that liberal policies have worked against him? He adheres to the Marxist view that caused the problem: The liberals—who attained power by supposedly protecting him from “the bourgeoisie”—suddenly become, in his mind, the bourgeoisie. Poor little he and his wonderful working-class buddies in Ebba Gron continue to be mistreated. Mistreated? As a non-working-class person who’s been in proximity to the working class throughout life, I can assure him: He has no idea what mistreatment is.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 25, 2009 10:14 AM | Send

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