Is Obama in trouble?

A. Zarkov writes:

While President Obama enjoys a fawning press and seems to have widespread popularity, his power to influence people and events is rapidly disintegrating. Just within the past week or two he has suffered some major setbacks.

1. The Senate voted 90-6 not to fund the Guantanamo Bay detention center closing.

2. North Korea tested a nuclear weapon and launched several missiles.

3. Netanyahu has defiantly told Obama that Israel has no intention of freezing Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.

4. Ahmadinejad has rejected proposals for a freeze on its nuclear program.

Obama really has no base of experience to help him through this series of crises. Is it any wonder that he would fall back on ridiculous leftist slogans—again and again? When he makes statements like:

“We are operating in deep deficits, not caused by any decisions we’ve made on health care so far. This is a consequence of the crisis that we’ve seen and in fact our failure to make some good decisions on health care over the last several decades.”

He betrays his profound ignorance. Other countries that have had national health insurance programs in place for decades are also experiencing soaring national debts. According to Bloomberg News:

Britain’s debt next year will be 66.9 percent of GDP, exceeding Canada’s 29.1 percent and Germany’s 58.1 percent, according to April 22 forecasts by the IMF. The U.S. will be at 70.4 percent, and the 16-nation Euro area at 68 percent, according to the Washington-based lender.

In short, with the exception of Canada, (which has avoided the banking crisis) most Western countries are running about the same level of national debt.

Obama is reacting like the Karl Marx character in the hilarious Monty Python Communist Quiz sketch. After correctly answering a few political questions, Marx gets thrown a curve ball: “Who won the English football cup in 1949?” Completely flustered, Marx begins to spout Communist slogans. This is what’s happening to Obama who is basically an inexperienced incompetent who is completely out of his depth. Watch for more of these antics as events unfold against him.

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Alan Levine writes:

I read the comment by A. Zarkov with interest. I can’t say that he is wrong, but I suspect he is overoptimistic about Obama being already on the ropes. Many Presidents have encountered worse messes early in their administrations(e.g. Kennedy) and recovered. I will be very surprised if Obama succeeds, but Zarkov is a bit premature. One problem interests me. Suppose—just suppose, for the sake of argument—Obama decides to nuke the Iranian and/or North Korean nuclear projects, or back the Israelis doing something drastic. What would the Obamaniacs say? Would they reject the savior? Or would they hold that anything he does is right?

Re the fuss about Sotomayor being the first Hispanic on the Supreme Court: what about Benjamin Cardozo?

As for Rowan Williams, didn’t Parliament dispose of an Archbishop of Canterbury for less serious transgressions?

Sage McLaughlin writes:

No, he’s not in trouble, and never will be. It’s the rest of us who are screwed, since spouting slogans is entirely sufficient for his purposes.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 26, 2009 08:01 AM | Send

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