Liberalism, cont.

Alan Roebuck writes:

The VFR entry “Liberalism” looks like the First Annual VFR Essay Contest.

Anna asks,

Where do these liberals plan to BE if they succeed? What is their goal? To be in charge? Of what? How?

Liberals, like the vast majority of mankind, think that the existence and adequate functioning of the society they inhabit is a cosmic given, as certain as the rising and setting of the sun. In their view, if we officially recognize same-sex “marriage,” or admit unlimited numbers of foreigners, or subsidize everyone’s right to do everything, then America will continue to exist and to function reasonably well regardless of the changes. According to contemporary liberalism, it is not just man that is naturally good: Existence itself is, in a manner of speaking, naturally good, and in a just society the authorities simply administer this goodness.

To the liberal, any negative side effects of their new policies are either the result of a desperate rear-guard action by conservatives or else discrete details that can be solved by making them illegal and formally prosecuting those responsible. So let it be written, so let it be done.

To answer Anna’s question: Liberals plan to revel in the beauty of the new order they have fought for: A world where cruelty is illegal, everyone has the right and the means to do what he wants, and society is sustainable. The liberal sees his role in the new order not as leading in the traditional sense, but rather as teaching or bureaucratically administrating/”facilitating.” In this world, people do not faithfully carry on the ways of their ancestors and their nation, but instead revel in self-actualization, experimentation and change. In this world, there is nobody to lead, and nothing to guard except the imperative to openness.

- end of initial entry -

N. writes:

Alan Roebuck correctly notes in the ideal liberal world, everyone revels in self actualization, experimentation, and change. Note, though, that the more different ways there are to live, the more conflicts must arise inevitably. Even libertarians acknowledge that adjudicating disputes and conflicts is a legitimate function of a government.

The more conflicts that arise, the more judgements that must be rendered, and therefore the more regulations and laws that must be enacted to regulate society in order to minimize further conflict. Thus the ideal liberal world is one that must lead to an essentially unlimited number of regulations, laws and courts. Only a government of unlimited power and scope can be powerful enough to provide for the liberal ideal world. There is a word for “government of unlimited power and scope”.

The ultimate destination of liberalism is tyranny.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 03, 2009 05:40 PM | Send

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