Paglia, liberal idiot

[T]he now widespread stereotyping of Islam as medieval and inherently violent and intolerant ensures eternal war.
— Camille Paglia, Salon, June 10, 2009

Meanwhile, Tom Brokaw continues his career as the single most contemptible human—or rather the most Pod-like anti-human—in the U.S media. Dennis Prager writes:

I did, however, see Tom Brokaw ask this incredible question of President Obama after the latter’s visit to the Nazi concentration camp at Buchenwald: “What can the Israelis learn from your visit to Buchenwald and what should they be thinking about their treatment of Palestinians?”

To his credit, President Obama immediately responded: “Well, look, there’s no equivalency here.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 10, 2009 01:30 AM | Send

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