Group of blacks hold white couple prisoner in London flat, repeatedly raping woman, torturing man
Appearing in the
Surrey Comet and a couple of other local papers, and
not reported in any major mainstream paper, the
story does not identify the perpetrators or the victims by race, but there is a photo of one of the perpetrators, and you can tell from the context—and all the British commenters assume—that the victims are white.
How many white people in the whole damned Western world will speak openly and publicly about the ongoing intifada of savage black on white racial violence? How many British and American “conservatives” will do it? How many self-described “to the right of Attila the Hun” American conservatives will do it?

Aaron Fitzgerald Gelly
And guess what? For being part of this gang that committed kidnapping, multiple rape, and torture (and we’re talking about torture here, not waterboarding), the two men who were convicted this week were sentenced to a big nine years in prison.
The mentality of the truly evil British authorities, all of whom deserve to be kicked out of the country along with the immigrant hordes they’ve invited in, is captured in the remarks of the detective inspector in the case, who sums it up like this: “Both victims were subjected to unnecessary physical violence in their own home.” Oh, well, yes, given that it was “unnecessary physical violence,” (implying that its lack of necessity was the main objectionable thing about it), I guess nine years is an appropriate sentence after all.
Two men jailed over torture and rape attack on Clapham couple
20th June 2009
By Guardian Reporter
Two men have been jailed for their part in a horrific torture, robbery and rape of a couple in Clapham.
At Inner London Crown Court today, Reon Hall, aged 20, of Malcolm Road, Coulsdon, and Aaron Fitzgerald Gelly, aged 20, of Ferrers Avenue, Wallington, were both sentenced to nine years’ jail for unlawful imprisonment and robbery.
A 26-year-old woman was leaving her flat in Clapham half an hour after midnight on October 26, 2008, the court was told.
As she was getting into her car, she heard a noise in the bushes.
Before she was able to close the door, a man started to walk towards her.
He demanded she give him money but she had none.
He was followed by several more men and one of the suspects covered her head and forced her to go back inside the flat, accompanied by all of them.
They forced her to send a text to her boyfriend to ask him to come over.
While they waited, they ate and drank food from her fridge.
When he arrived, they demanded money from him and he said he did not have any.
They tied his hands with his own belt and began to torture him.
One of the suspects took the woman to the bedroom where he forced her to perform oral sex while holding a gun to her head.
Over the next few hours, he repeatedly raped her as she heard her boyfriend screaming in the next room.
The male victim was repeatedly kicked and punched.
Computer cable was wrapped around his throat.
He was then repeatedly struck on the head and face with a metal object believed to be a firearm, while a towel was kept over his head.
A hot iron was pressed against his forehead and thigh, and then lemon juice and bleach were poured and rubbed in to his injuries.
Both victims were subjected to a three-hour sustained attack, before the suspects eventually left, stealing both cars, a black Skype 3G mobile phone, a black Nokia mobile phone, £220 cash and keys.
Detective Inspector Mick Foote, of the Met’s Specialist Crime Directorate, said: “Both victims were subjected to unnecessary physical violence in their own home.
“They were targeted for money and then assaulted over and over again, despite saying they had no money.
“The defendants took a small amount of property, including mobile phones, and made their escape by stealing the victims’ cars.
“It was immediately reported to police and within a short time both cars were recovered.
“We found a cigarette butt in the bedroom and it contained DNA relating to the two men in court today.
“Both victims have suffered a very traumatic event.
“However, I would like to reassure the public that such crimes are very rare.”
Hall, also known as Reon Wong, and Gelly both pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing in March to one count of false imprisonment and two charges of robbery.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 21, 2009 06:59 PM | Send