Further thoughts on Jack Cashill and the authorship question

A week ago I responded dismissively to Jack Cashill’s latest article alleging that William Ayers is the real author of Barack Obama’s Dreams from My Father. Not that I necessarily disagree with his main thesis, but that he makes so many weak points along the way that I find it hard to read him. In an effort not to be unfair to him, I’ve now read the rest of the article, and, as I explain in a further comment in the original entry, I continue to believe two contradictory sounding things: that Cashill as a literary detective is a flop, making one bone-headed statement after another; and that notwithstanding his errors there’s a fair chance that he is correct in his overall point that Ayers was involved in Obama’s book.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 15, 2009 10:09 AM | Send

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