The Cambridge Police Department, like liberal dhimmis, refuse to release the Gates arrest report
The story comes from an eastern Massachusetts website called Wicked Local.
Cambridge PD lawyer: Gates police report leak didn’t come from usAs disgusting as this is, it is no surprise. The Cambridge PD is simply behaving as all good liberals do: they refuse to take their own side in an argument. When one of their own officers is accused of racism, they decline to provide the evidence that would exculpate him. Why? Because the very function of liberal society is to assist in its own delegitimization. Think of how prosecutor Marcia Clark in the O.J. Simpson murder trial failed to argue against the defense attorneys’ outrageous claim that the police had framed Simpson. Yes, she pooh-poohed the defense claim, she mocked it, she said it was ridiculous. But she never seriously laid out the facts and arguments showing the total impossibility of the defense theory. And so the jury ended up believing the defense theory and acquitting Simpson. Liberals will not raise a finger to clear the institutions and the society they represent of false charges of racism, because to do so would go against liberalism.
Also, the fact that the report was leaked to, the Boston Globe’s website, was no reason for the Globe to spike the report. Newspapers publish leaked official documents all the time, and pride themselves on doing so. Surely you remember the Pentagon Papers, published by the New York Times, which owns the Boston Globe, not to mention many other secret government documents the Times has leaked over the years to America’s harm, including information on the surveillance of terrorists. When it comes to harming America, liberal newspapers are eager to publish leaked documents. But when it comes to publishing a leaked document showing that a sensational and damaging charge that a police officer has “racially profiled” America’s pre-eminent black scholar is a monstrous lie, the Globe suddenly gets cold feat. Email entry |