What they think of us

Here is a visual complement to David Broder’s view of non-leftist Americans, a cartoon by two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, David Horsey. I realize this is not a pleasant way to start the week, and I’m sorry about it. But what would be a good time to show a cartoon like this?


August 31

Karl D. writes:

That is indeed what they think of us. I have been having an ongoing battle with a cartoonist for our local rag (very left wing) in the letters to the editor section. Not too long ago he printed a cartoon about Arlen Specter’s defection. In it, two Republican senators respond to said defection by stating, “Of course he left. After all, we are the party of white southern racists.”

I responded to his jaw dropping generalization to see if he might possibly recant? I pointed out that he is turning those with opposing opinions into the de-humanized proverbial “Other” that so many Leftists are fond of reminding us about. No dice. THAT couldnt even wedge through his Progressive brain. He just laid it on thicker. I shouldnt be surprised. He is a hyper partisan guy (every strip is anti-conservative) who claims to have voted Republican up until Bill Clinton. I don’t know what turned the worm for him, but it turned hard. But what was really sad is that I was the only person to call him on his piece and no one came to my defense at all. So lest anyone forget the malignancy of what we are truly up against.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 30, 2009 11:15 PM | Send

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