Nazism as the non-transcendent solution to the problems created by non-transcendent liberalism
This original explanation of Nazism was written by Jim Kalb in a group e-mail discussion, January 15, 2003:
Saying Nazism is insane, worthless and evil is true but it doesn’t explain why all those people signed up for it. It doesn’t explain why both Heidegger and an anti-Nazi like Aurel Kolnai referred to its “inner greatness.” It also doesn’t explain why liberals have a sense that it’s everywhere just below the surface, that in fact it’s the sole alternative to their own views. If you disagree with them in some important way you must be a Nazi. They really believe that. September 14 Kilroy M. writes from Australia:
What exactly is “Nazism” to Kalb? My reading of his post is that his argument correctly relates to all forms of secular, totalitarian modes of government. But to say that Nazism denies the transcendent is simply not correct. Researchers and academics like Nicholas Goodrick-Clark have documented the occult and pagan themes running through Hitlerite NS quite well. Nutbars like Guido von List, Lans von Liebenfels, Rudolf von Sebottendorff, and Karl Maria Wiligut and the rest, are perfect examples of the ease with which the extreme racism biological reductionism was coupled with “esoteric” theories of the late 19th century. It was all pretty loopy, of course, but Kalb’s analysis is generally far too profound to have ignored this.LA replies:
I don’t know for sure, you’d have to address the question to Kalb. And based on your reading you know vastly more about Nazi beliefs than I do. But I would say that occult and pagan add-ons do not change the fundamentally non-transcendent nature of Nazism. Remember that all non-transcendent belief systems need to find some substitute transcendent. Dawkins and EO Wilson invent a kind of religion of evolution, Communism has the Brotherhood of Man, and so on. Yet these “religious” themes obviously do not make Darwinism or Communism into transcendent belief systems Similarly, a system that makes the German genome or the will of the German leader its highest standard, is obviously not a system based on transcendent standards. Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 12, 2009 11:25 AM | Send Email entry |