The ultimate nation-crushing proposal: socialized health care plus open borders

Ray G. writes:

Former Congressman Virgil Goode wrote a pretty good, really common sensed column yesterday on immigration and healthcare.

LA replies:

By the way, why is Goode no longer in Congress? Did he step down, or was he defeated in the big Democratic gains last November?

- end of initial entry -

September 16

Alex K. writes:

Virgil Goode was indeed defeated by his Democratic opponent last fall. It was close. As I recall, it may not have even been decided as of election day.

Ray G. writes:

Goode lost in the democrat tidal wave. He was of a similar mind to Tom Tancredo. We’ve lost Tancredo, Goode and Duncan Hunter too (to retirement).

We still have Steve King of Iowa, who’s very good and Peter King of New York, who’s pretty good too.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 15, 2009 03:13 PM | Send

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