A request for prayers and good wishes

Terry Morris writes:


My nine year old daughter, Sarah, fell yesterday from a tree and broke her left arm. This was around 6:00 pm. Annette and I immediately took her to the ER in McAlester where they finally got to her at around 8:30. By this time the swelling was very bad, and the doctor immediately explained that she was concerned, both about the nature of the injury and the intense swelling. After X-rays, which showed the break to be at the extreme lower part of the humerus, the ER doctor called in an orthopedic surgeon who arrived within 30 to 40 minutes. After a quick examination he ordered that she be immediately prepped for surgery. By 10:30 she was in O.R. But once he got in he realized that the break was more than even he could handle so he arranged to have her transported to Oklahoma University Children’s Hospital in Oklahoma City where they’ll admit her and do surgery in the morning. Annette rode with her and I came back home to spend the night. I’ll be heading for OKC early in the morning. Prayers and well wishes are greatly appreciated.


Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 20, 2009 02:11 AM | Send

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