The face of the new America that has been produced by the belief that it’s sinful not to admit nonwhites into America

Manuel Ortega

This is one of the suspects in the gang rape of a 15 year old girl that went on for two and a half hours on the campus of Richmond High School in Richmond, California during a school dance. The rape was committed by up to ten suspects, while about ten other individuals watched and did nothing. The victim was apparently white (see below), the rapists whose names have been given are Hispanic. The Vdare blog quotes graphic information about it from a newspaper. Be sure to see the video of Kami Baker, 16 year old white girl and friend of the rape victim, speaking about the absence of security at the school in general and on the night of the rape, when many young men were at the dance who were not students and should not have been there but the security guards and school administrators did nothing about them.

Update: In looking online for indications of the victim’s race, I found this string of text:

“Im gonna take an educated guess and say that the victim was white and the attackers and bystanders where mostly colored.”

It was shown as being located in the same story (from that I’ve linked above, with the video of Kami Baker. But the comment is no longer in that article, though there are 34 other comments there.

Like the author of the deleted comment, I’m also going to assume the victim is white, for this reason. Kami Baker says that the victim is her friend, and she doesn’t say that the victim is of some other race. If Kami’s friend were Hispanic or black or Asian, I think she would have said that. The fact that she doesn’t refer to her friend’s race (except to say that whites are a minority at the school and that the authorities don’t care about them) strongly suggests to me that the friend is white.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 30, 2009 01:03 AM | Send

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