The mayoral election in New York City
I don’t want to vote for Republican mayoral candidate Michael Bloomberg, as I am very displeased with the way he got the City Council to change the term limits provision in the City Charter to allow him to run for a third term. I oppose term limits. I strongly opposed them when they was passed by popular referendum in the 1990s. But they were passed and became part of the City Charter. That the City Council, on its own, changed the City Charter is outrageous. I don’t know how that was done, but it was done, Second, Bloomberg said recently that his top priority for New York City is that the State Legislature pass homosexual “marriage.” Meanwhile, Bill Thompson, his Democratic opponents, is also the candidate of the Working Families Party, which is leftist and aligned with ACORN. So, whom to vote for? The Conservative Party has a nominee, Stephen Christopher, a Baptist minister in Brooklyn.
Marriage has a traditional-historical, legal, and cultural definition which should be preserved. In western society marriage always has, and always should be between one man and one woman. In its present form, marriage is a bulwark against the legal recognition of all manner of non-traditional relationships such as triads, polygamy, and heaven knows what else.A vote for Christopher will be a solidarity vote for Conservative candidate Doug Hoffman in the 23rd Congressional district. Finally, it’s been 35 years since New York City had an Anglo-Saxon Protestant mayor. How about some diversity?
Mike Berman writes:
You wrote:Ross W. writes:
It was my understanding that Bloomberg changed party affiliations to Independent a number of years ago, and has remained in that state since that point. Has he changed affiliations again for the upcoming mayoral race? If not, I presume the Republican party isn’t running a candidate at all?LA replies:
I just looked him up in Wikipedia. He changed from Republican to Independent in 2007, and apparently has not changed back to Republican since then. I guess you don’t have to belong to a party to be its candidate. After all, a person can be, say the Democratic and Liberal candidate in New York, while only belonging to the Democratic Party, not the Liberal Party. Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 02, 2009 02:05 PM | Send Email entry |