Major Zacarias Moussaoui, United States Army.

Roland D. writes:

I’ve spent a significant portion of my career as a contractor working with various U.S. governmental agencies, departments, and bureaus, and especially DoD and the service branches. Over the last 25 years, I’ve noted the Long March of political correctness through the national security apparatus, and the Fort Hood massacre is a direct result of this transformation.

If this chap had been a Caucasian officer who’d made even a single derogatory statement about ethnic minorities, women, homosexuals, or Muslims, he would’ve been broken, his career over, and possibly even dishonorably discharged. In today’s Army, the slightest hint of judgmentalism or “insensitivity” is treated as a moral outrage and is a career-ender.

Maj. Hasan, however, is a member of two protected classes; he’s of Middle Eastern extraction, and he’s a Muslim. This puts him beyond reproach in today’s military. It turns out he was being investigated by the FBI, and surely Army CID were involved, as well, since he’s a serving Army officer, and yet nothing was done about his treasonous statements which alone should have resulted in his removal from duty and cashiering.

In the modern U.S. military, it is career death to criticize females, minorities, or Muslims on any grounds, as this will be taken as prima facie evidence of “racism” or “bias.” And so our military and supporting organizations are riddled with incompetents, malcontents, and, as we’ve now seen, traitors.

I very clearly remember my shock one day in the Pentagon ten or twelve years ago, when I saw a burn-bag of classified material being carried down a corridor by a female civilian of obvious Middle Eastern origin, wearing the black-and-white checkered hijab favored by many Palestinians. I was able to see her badge on its lanyard round her neck; she wasn’t even a contractor, but was a full-fledged GS-whatever DoD civil service employee. I just shook my head at the idiocy of the bureaucracy, knowing that someday we would pay a price for bringing such people into the very heart of our nation’s defenses. (My imagination back then didn’t run to the extent of a uniformed commissioned officer shooting his fellow soldiers; I figured we’d end up with a civilian employee suicide bomber, possibly a female like the one I’d just observed. I guess I was just behind the times, heh.)

Given that Maj. Hasan survived the attack, my guess is that he’ll never be charged with treason as he should be, and that his trial, whether military or civilian, will be orchestrated in such a way as to ensure he’s not brought to brook as the ideologically-motivated traitor he so manifestly is, and that the military and civilian authorities will go out of their way to pressure his defense to avoid putting him on the stand, so as to hide the fact that the United States commissioned and then knowingly harbored in its ranks the uniformed counterpart of Zacarias Moussaoui.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 08, 2009 04:23 AM | Send

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