Obama’s pretentious fakery exposed
Last night I linked a web page that had several photos of various world leaders shaking hands in a normal fashion with the Japanese emperor, with none of the leaders bowing like Obowma. Now the University of Connecticut Republicans have produced a hilarious video expanding on the same point. Slowing down then speeding up again to the sound of a harpsichord, the video collage shows in sequence thirty or forty photos of the leaders of various countries amiably and in upright posture shaking hands with the diminutive Japanese emperor, then after each shot the video returns to the shot of the bowing Obowma, who, in contrast to the other, normal leaders, appears bizarre and unnatural. At best, he looks like a complete fool. And what was it that drove him to this queer and humiliating display? My view is that as a nonwhite person with a nonwhite identity, Obowma cannot comfortably identify with America. At bottom, he sees the country in Jeremiah Wright’s terms, “white folks’ greed runs a world in need.” In his mind, the greatest problem with America is that it is dominated by whites, and the greatest problem in the world is that, up to this point, it has been led by a white majority country. If the world is to be restored to true balance and equality, arrogant America must be put down. So the President of the United States, driven by his nonwhite, leftist alienation against the United States, keeps engaging in these extravagant displays of symbolic submission to non-Western leaders that make everyone—including the foreigners he’s supposedly honoring—uncomfortable. As commenter Expatriot explained in the earlier thread, the Japanese media suppressed the Obowma photo because the last thing they want is a weak and humiliated America.
The lesson, once again, is the inappropriateness of choosing as a nation’s leader a man who emotionally and racially does not identify with that country. Email entry |