Another wilding

Check out the segment from WCCO in the Twin Cities on the African-Americans (and some of them really are African) who went on a rampage, attacking pedestrians, knocking people over on the street, knocking people off bikes, while apparently taping the whole thing. From the snippets shown, it looks as though all the victims are white. According to police, the perpetrators deliberately went after people they knew would not fight back. Meaning, gutless, race-blind white people.

Also, here is a story from the Star Tribune.

I wonder how the race-blind neocons at the Minneapolis-based Powerline are covering the story. In the past, they have ignored nonwhite on white violence in their city. They don’t go anywhere near race. In fact, the Powerline writers fit the victim profile that the attackers were looking for.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 20, 2009 06:30 PM | Send

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