The black prophet of white restoration

I’m not the only person who argues that the only possible solution to America’s problems is the return to power of a renewed white majority and its (de-liberalized) culture. Here is the inimitable Pastor James Manning of Harlem, America’s number one critic of black America and of Obama. His theme in this talk is … well, instead of summarizing it, I’ve transcribed parts of it. Also, remember that when he seems to be going over the top (which some may think he’s doing with every word), he’s speaking not in journalistic or legalistic mode, but in prophetic mode: when he says Obama is an “illegal alien,” he means Obama is spiritually, in his essential being, an illegal alien. Which is the truth.

He starts off:

There’s going to be a revolution Patrick Henry-style in America, where red-blooded, God-fearing, Jesus-loving Americans are going to stand up and say we’re not going to take it no more, we’re just not going to take it….

… White people are being pushed around, kicked to the curb, having their rights denied, being called racists, being walked on, watching their tax dollars going to foreign … drug sales, prostitution, illegal immigration, You all going to push these white folks to where they cain’t take it no more. I’m tellin’ ya. These white are not going to take it. And I’m joining them!

It’s one thing to have a president … you disagree over policy. But this man is destroying what God loves, he’s destroying the fabric and the fiber of the nation. He’s a prolific, if you will, liar and killer and murderer—spiritually, politically. I’m tellin’ ya, you’re gonna see an uprising in this nation, and it’s won’t be long now. I mean, you just can’t keep pushing folks the way Obama is pushing white folk, and the way black folks are pushing white folk, you can’t keep doin’ that. You either find a way to get rid of Obama, or these folks are gonna rise up…. I’m tellin’ you, these people, white folks, they have had it, and they can’t take it no more. And who can blame them? I mean who can blame them? To build this nation, and then have it given away, just given away, just thrown away, just given away by a long-legged half-breed usurper illegal alien….

I’m tellin’ you, white folk are ready to rise, and they should be.

- end of initial entry -

Cold Equation writes:

There are some pictures of Pastor Manning’s church here.

I tried to find out how much influence he has—does anybody listen to him, or is he a crackpot with a camera and a church that consists of himself and his dog? I can’t find any numbers, but he must have a substantial congregation to be able to afford that church.

(In the following exchange, Roger G. is referencing an exchange between us in which he jokingly suggested I be given the nickname Black Auster, after a horse with that name in Macaulay’s Lays of Ancient Rome.)

Roger G. writes:

I guess I was too quick in nicknaming you Black Auster.

LA replies:

Don’t you mean, you were correct in naming me Black Auster (since I’m praising the black pastor Manning)?

I’ve got to put together that correspondence between us on the name “Auster” in literature.

Roger replies:

I suppose I meant that you being Auster, he is Black Auster. Sort of. In a deranged way.

I will enjoy seeing that correspondence.

LA replies:

I get it.

That is funny.

Roger G. replies:

You’re no mere horse; you’re Horatius. Diana West is Herminius. Andrew McCarthy sort of aspires to the part of Spurius Lartius. He certainly sees the Etruscans as a mortal danger. But he isn’t specifically taking a position as to keeping them out of Rome. Or off the bridge. And anyway, his armor isn’t sitting quite right. And that damn shield is awkward …

December 7

Karl D. writes:

I love this guy. I have known about him for awhile now. He posts videos on YouTube all the time and might even have a channel. Not only does he speak many truths, but he is absolutely hilarious! I remember sometime ago he was organizing a trip for his church (and other blacks) to go to Gettysburg to not only learn about the battle but to pay respects. That impressed me greatly.

December 8

Kilroy M. writes from Australia:

This Manning guy is no friend of ours. I remember we discussed him in March 2008. He referred to Obama as “being born trash” for having a white mother.

LA replies:

Yes, and he spoke as if he was the very mouth of God. I wasn’t actually suggesting that we ally with James Manning or treat him as an authority on race relations. But he says interesting and funny and even inspiring things. To hear a black man say that the white folks have had enough of being pushed around by blacks and they’re not going to take it any more is pretty remarkable. I’m tellin’ ya. We should see Pastor Manning as an inspiration. If we white folks start standing up for ourselves, the world is not going to fall apart. Many people, including nonwhites, will start to respect us, which they don’t do at present, and who can blame them? Who can blame them?

December 8

Kilroy replies:

Pastor Manning has a style that seems to be a caricature of the black Congregationalist preacher. It’s amusing to watch because he comes across on occasions like a complete bar of nuts:

The future of you African and African-American people is in my mouth! It’s not in your hand, it’s in my mouth! And I don’t have to compromise with not one of you nappy-headed people. The word! of God! is in my mouth! Your health! is in my mouth! Your ability to eat bread! Is in my mouth! If I don’t speak, you don’t eat! The wooord of God, is in my mouth! … The time will come for those of you to speak against me, that you will be born in egg shells to make soup. you’re gona be scrapin up pigeon droppings, to make gravy, to put on, your egg shells. you’ll be born in egg shells and eatin pigeon droppings. You Will come! You will come to ATLAH! Yes you will! You will come! [from the old clip I partly transcribed]

I find America style evangelical Christianity to be very much in the spirit of the Old Testament (e.g., Bush’s brother is given an old Hebrew name, not a New Testament Christian one), but Manning’s sermons have an almost voodoo flavour to them. I can’t say I’m particularly impartial about this however; as a practicing Catholic, give me incense and Gregorian chants over this guy any day of the week and thrice on Sunday. His style is not so much just alien to me personally, but I feel it is alien to Christianity itself. Perhaps this says something about the spirit of certain races/people influencing the exoteric aspects of an allegedly universal religion.

Having said that, I acknowledge that there are times when he says something that can strike us white traditionalists as quite incisive, e.g. his comments about whites being kicked around and having a limit to their tolerance etc. This raises an interesting point: the times are so crazy that a person otherwise considered a loon sounds reasonable in what he may occasionally say.

LA replies:

“Bush’s brother is given an old Hebrew name, not a New Testament Christian one),”

Protestants from the beginning identified themselves with the Hebrews of the Old Testament and gave their children names from the Hebrew Bible. Recently I mentioned at VFR joking to Jared Taylor and Sam Francis in the early ’90s that their names, given to them by their Protestant Christian parents, were Hebrew names, while my two names (Lawrence Matthew), given to me by my Jewish parents, were of Christian saints.

Also, you need to distinguish low church evangelicals from mainstream Protestant denominations such as Congregationalism and Presbyterianism. The Congregationalist Church was the original Puritan church of New England.

However, I see at Wikipedia that numerous black colleges and universities were established by Congregationalist missionaries in the 19th century, and that black Congregationalist churches were established with the aim of encouraging a less emotional, more restrained and traditional approach to church services. Ironically, among such churches was Trinity United Church of Chicago, founded in the 1950s, which in the 1970s evolved into what Jeremiah Wright made it, a stompin’, hootin’ cauldron of black hatred of whites and America. Thus, at least in that case, the Congregationalist effort to assimilate blacks into a more high toned type of worship not only failed, but turned into its opposite.

It’s a long article and I haven’t read it. At some point Trinity United had to have stopped being a Congregationalist Church, but I don’t know when that was.

Congregationalist worship at Trinity, 1960s

During the late 1800s, Congregationalist missionaries, working through the American Missionary Association, established numerous black colleges and universities throughout the U.S. south and north. They insisted that educated blacks eliminate displays of emotion during singing and preaching. This practice widely persisted through much of the 1960s and was carried over into black Congregationalist churches; some AMA-derived churches in the UCC still use a more restrained liturgy to this day. Worship services at Trinity during the 1960s followed the standard order of service for Congregationalist churches: prayers, followed by liturgy and hymns from The Pilgrim Hymnal, followed by a well-organized homily, followed by a benediction, confined to one hour in total. There was no shouting, hand waving, or displays of emotions. One of Trinity’s black ministers once stated from the pulpit, “We will have no ‘niggerisms’ in our services.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 06, 2009 11:59 PM | Send

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