Using liberals’ tools against them

Private ownership of firearms has been effectively banned in Britain, and the British people are helpless to defend themselves, not only from ordinary criminals, but from terrorists, having to depend on their miserable, ultra-leftist police forces which have admitted in advance their inability to fight an expected Bombay-like terrorist attack in London. The situation is vastly better in the U.S. and getting steadily better. VFR reader A. Zarkov tells us about the important Supreme Court decision last year that for the first time established gun ownership as in individual right under the Second Amendment. He also tells us about a move to use the Incorporation Doctrine to invalidate state laws against gun ownership. I comment on the sad irony of conservatives employing the Incorporation Doctrine, the fountainhead of modern statism.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 21, 2009 12:55 AM | Send

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