(Note: 12-24: The CBS story by Christine Sloan has now been changed, with the victim being identified as “Hispanic” and the gang being identified as “diverse.” See my
(Note 12-23 11:30 a.m. A reader has just told me that all the readers’ comments at the CBS page have been removed. Fortunately I had copied most of them here yesterday. This is a further lesson that when we see something on the Web of an unusual nature, we should save or copy it.)
Also notice how the strongest expression of outrage quoted in the article is, “He didn’t deserve this”—as though there was any question that he deserved it—or as though, if David Muneton had intentionally hit a black girl with a basketball then he would have deserved being beaten to within an inch of his life.
Meanwhile, race is not mentioned, neither that of the victim nor that of the assailants. The gang are certainly black, from the all-too familiar pattern of their behavior. David Muneton from the photograph of him appears to be white. But, again, except for the silent testimony of that photo, his and his attackers’ race is a non-subject.
Thus, unidentified and unremarked on by law authorities and the media, the black anti-white intifida continues. The comments following the story deal frankly with the racial nature of the crime, showing once again that the closest the truth about racial violence in the modern West gets to the mainstream media is in readers’ comments posted after news articles. I have copied all the comments as of about an hour ago. They are strong and I have not edited them.
By Rob Bonzetti posted 10 seconds ago
@nazi pelosi. Your comments about this reporter are way out of line. She may be a lib, but you sound like a loon—which is no better.
By Outraged posted 1 minutes and 22 seconds ago
Gee, elect a Mulato as POTUS and apes think they own the country and can do whatever they want. Why in the hell were 2 of these animals allowed to go home??? Did they get to stop at KFC on the ride home?
By Baraq Obama … Change posted 1 minutes and 34 seconds ago
I will have my Attorney General Eric Holder prosecute the White hild for assault with a Basketball as soon as his major facial reconstructive surgery is healed and I will charge this White criminal for his Hospital bills.
By joe posted 2 minutes and 26 seconds ago
How many of the attackers were black? Where’s Jesse and Al?
By Ed Simple posted 4 minutes and 11 seconds ago
I’m sure the Lord of the Flies gang will get a little more than a ticket criminally speaking, but if I were the victim’s parents, I’d sue the parents of the attackers into bankruptcy. Absent that, I’d want the older kids tried as adults and the younger ones to spend considerable juvenile incarceration time as they appear to be only a few years away from prison being a permanent residence for them anyway. Animals.
By You got to be kidding posted 5 minutes and 40 seconds ago
The stupid low life PC girl included in her article: “He really didn’t deserve to get beat up like that because he really didn’t do anything and it wasn’t intentional that he hit her with a ball,” student Michael Bailey said. Soooo … if he had intented to her with the ball, he would have deserved it? What the hell are they teaching these kids???
By Aue Claire posted 6 minutes and 5 seconds ago
Noticeable lack of reporting on whether there was a racial element to this story. What color were the attackers? Are there hate crime charges pending? Your job is to report straight news, not to edit it so it meets your worldview. No wonder the mainstream is falling on hard times.
By Paul Birch posted 6 minutes and 16 seconds ago
I am saddened by this incident. The pain and suffering of this young man and his family. My heart goes out to the family. The questions. What led a group of young people to believe they were entitled to take action. I am trying to understand how you could physically hurt another person hitting him over and over. Wasn’t there anyone to step up for the boy? Didn’t any of the attackers feel anything? I have been increasingly concerned about our young adults. They are more intimidating in groups. Bad language is bolding spoken. Police don’t seams to move them along. They are impowered. Is it because they are in a group? I now cross the street. There is a different attitude. The sheer potential for such a violent act with no concern for the consequences. I want there to be a strong “message” sent. This is not acceptable.
By Nazi Pelosi posted 6 minutes and 30 seconds ago
The reporter has a degree from Columbia ! LMAO ! Shes one of the white apoligist advocacy biatches the left promotes Columbia probably had her have sex with black, hispanic, and Arab thugs to sensatize her to the plight of minorities. After this Story she’ll probably get a gig on MSNBC or The NY Times! Black on White race crime ! EMAIL this sorry reporter.
By Sully posted 10 minutes and 13 seconds ago
Precarious Jeters posted: “I can tell by all the comments that whites have figured us out. The jig is up. We deserve to be put on reservations. Indians did less and were marched out west”. The JIG is up? I’m so offended HAHAHAHA.
By Amos posted 10 minutes and 20 seconds ago
I can see by these comment dat the crackers are startin to wake up. We is going to have to alert our boy in the Whitey House to git on da tube and calls them stupid or sumthin.
By Out Raged posted 10 minutes and 29 seconds ago
Take these little punks and put them in jail as adults … they have proven themselves to be trash, and we had better lock them up now before they kill someone next time.
By Fred posted 10 minutes and 55 seconds ago
We tried to tell you Yankees in the 1860s and then when LBJ was running around in the 1960s what would happen and look what a mess we have…. But you won’t listen. In retrospect, we wish we would have picked our own #### cotton.
By Barack The Destroyer posted 12 minutes and 50 seconds ago
My wife Chewbacca and I are shocked! How could this happen in America? We just learned that some of you “typical white people” think that negros were responsible? Well let me tell you right now … African Americans are not capable of this sort of violence. Never in the history of man has a Black person commited a crime. Shame on you crackers!
By Fed up posted 13 minutes and 20 seconds ago
This isn’t news. The attackers were obviously chronically dependent victims. Black youth who were issued a chip on their shoulder as a birth right. They aren’t fully evolved yet so their violent nature makes it impossible for them to fully assimilate into civilized society.
By Moesha Washington posted 13 minutes and 38 seconds ago
Thank goodness it was just a basketball involved and not a bucket of KFC else they would have killed him.
By bob marlee posted 14 minutes and 45 seconds ago
What is funny is that you didnt mention the racial identity of the attackers … Which automatically means they were minorities. We are not stupid. When you tell the story, tell the whole story—the title should have read—Lone White Teen Beaten to Near Death by Blacks. Sound offensive? How about having reconstructive facial surgery and possibly losing your sight? Which is more offensive? You people back east are sick! Smoke Weed Every Day!
By swathdiver posted 16 minutes and 50 seconds ago
Must be a black on white crime as the race of the attackers was not mentioned. The editors alway mentions the race of the attacker when its the other way around. We shall see! Socialism in ANY form is immoral and EVIL.
By WheresDaTransparency? posted 16 minutes and 59 seconds ago
“A misunderstanding”—great reporting—this was the misunderstanding: “Oh crap, thought you wanted to give us your money!”—Hey Sloan, get another job—clerks are needed at the library to stack books!
By LOD_NYPD posted 20 minutes and 32 seconds ago
This reminds me of a comment Mayor Koch once said—paraphrase “If a black man takes money from a white man, it’s robbery, if a white man does the same thing, it’s a racial incident”—all you liberals are really Conservatives, you just haven’t been mugged yet! When you do, then you’ll want the rat bA$tard to get the chair—hypocrites!
By Charle Bein posted 21 minutes and 27 seconds ago
Those students that are involved in the Muneton biting they are criminals they should stay in jail, they have no future outside. If the public allows these criminals to be released from jail, be prepared to what they will do next. Keep your eyes open you could be the next victim. It doesn’t matter if they children, teenagers or adults their actions were planed they were very conscious about the dangers and how bad they want to hit this school model young man. I feel very sorry for the all the parents but Muneton’s parents are in pain for their kid.
By Jarrel posted 23 minutes and 21 seconds ago
Poor kid. The combination of a group of negroes and a basketball is always dangerous but add in a defenseless white kid and somebody is going to get robbed/stabbed/shot/raped/beaten/murdered, etc … Non-blacks have to do what we did in Detroit: move away. Our suburbs are white and safe and city is like a little slice of Africa (and not the fun safari part either—except the chimps of course) You can take the monkey out of the jungle, but you can’t take the jungle out of the monkey.
By Thomas Megzkueger posted 24 minutes and 21 seconds ago
Another RACIAL HATE CRIME cover up by the Media. If this boy was black or hispanic and a gang of 11 white children did this, you would have that idio Sharpton, Obama and others screaming at the top of their tree limbs for racial suits, investigations, retraining, etc … (i.e. the racial attack hoax on those innocent Duke lacrosse players). Media is covering this up.
By Truth marches on posted 25 minutes and 16 seconds ago
I tremble for good blacks when i see what the bad ones are doing.God is not patient forever, and his justice is perfect. I don’t believe any race has ever been as debased as urban blacks in America.I think it ends very badly.
By Nazi Pelosi posted 26 minutes and 27 seconds ago
Here is the e-mail address you know they will say because they are juveniles they cannot divulge the information. The station email is … I noticed in todays media and television the media is run by extreme liberals and homosexuals if a white women is on TV shes always encouraged or teamed with blacks . Thats the the media Gay frienly , Hate America,Hide the facts, race bait against whites, cover up black and hispanic crime waves, wcbstvwebteam@cbs.com
By Thomas Megzkueger posted 26 minutes and 6 seconds ago
Another RACIAL HATE CRIME cover up by the Media. If this boy was black or hispanic and a gang of 11 white children did this, you would have that idio Sharpton, Obama and others screaming at the top of their tree limbs for racial suits, investigations, retraining, etc … (i.e. the racial attack hoax on those innocent Duke lacrosse players). Media is covering this up.
By Truth marches on posted 27 minutes and 1 seconds ago
I tremble for good blacks when i see what the bad ones are doing.God is not patient forever, and his justice is perfect. I don’t believe any race has ever been as debased as urban blacks in America.I think it ends very badly.
By Nazi Pelosi posted 28 minutes and 12 seconds ago
Here is the e-mail address you know they will say because they are juveniles they cannot divulge the information. The station email is … I noticed in todays media and television the media is run by extreme liberals and homosexuals if a white women is on TV shes always encouraged or teamed with blacks . Thats the the media Gay frienly , Hate America,Hide the facts, race bait against whites, cover up black and hispanic crime waves, wcbstvwebteam@cbs.com
By Bob posted 32 minutes and 48 seconds ago
Animals unfit to live in society ever again. I don’t care how old they are it does not matter.
By Jamesd1234 posted 32 minutes and 51 seconds ago
How is not a hate crime? Obviously the 11 attackers were black or a minority. Again it’s like that Chicago gang they basically ‘chimped out’. Lock these thugs up until they’re 25.
By Feces throwing monkey posted 32 minutes and 54 seconds ago
Somebody said i threw fecal matter at their car. Dammm right, its a political statement. Its art too, my teacher Dr.Grady Slappy told me so! Be true to your school holmes..got white crackers on the run.
By John Law posted 33 minutes and 46 seconds ago
Groids, are the finest sub humans out there folks. They can murder, rape, rob, and it’s all excused by liberals because apparently, their kin were once slaves … 145 years ago !?! Criminal coddling leftist twerps … just like the Chicago community organizer. Hey. maybe he”l call the honor student STUPID, for behaving the way he did !
By regis49 posted 34 minutes and 46 seconds ago
The race of the attackers is obvious from the way this all went down. This will not be charged as a hate-crime because whites are not a protected group under the law.
By m.p.oneal posted 35 minutes and 21 seconds ago
The victim here is obviously white, what is the race of the assailants? No doubt, “African Amaerican” since channel 2 “news” chose not to reveal it. This double standard needs to stop.
By Precarious Jeters posted 35 minutes and 43 seconds ago
I can tell by all the comments that whites have figured us out. The jig is up. We deserve to be put on reservations. Indians did less and were marched out west.
By Sambo posted 36 minutes and 10 seconds ago
These behaviors are fully explained at http://www.niggermania.com/.
By Nazi Pelosi posted 36 minutes and 34 seconds ago
Christine Sloan is the typical white female liberal idiot PC reporter … Hell she is probably sleeping with balcks like most liberal white @!$#*&. The comments are correct the attackers are either Black or Hispanic. I tryed to get an E-Mail address to this sorry PC reporter but like true liberals the PC*nt did not leave one !
By Rosa Parks posted 38 minutes and 18 seconds ago
I became a hero because I cussed out a white man for taking my seat on a bus. Nowadays blacks beat whites on a bus everyday somewhere in America. A “Rosa Parks” story every day! Time for a white march on Selma! What is wrong with us blacks?
By Rufus posted 39 minutes and 38 seconds ago
Getting pretty hard not to be a racist when all the blacks are such good teachers. The gang of animals should be locked away for the rest of their lives.
By nazi pelosi posted 41 minutes and 2 seconds ago
The cowardly PC Press I hope the PC reporters kid gets his face smashed in by some blacl or hispanic lowlifes. It the White elitist liberals who allow this 24/7 .
By Truth marches on holmes posted 41 minutes and 11 seconds ago
I went to this school last year.The kids that did this got suspended for hanging on the rim and swinging from it during a basketball game. In the parking lot they circled my car and threw feces and bananas at it. Its a pretty rough bunch.
By Jo Jo the Clown posted 42 minutes and 1 seconds ago
Chimp-out deluxe. It’s their tribal nature.
By ToRoom101 posted 42 minutes and 10 seconds ago
What race were the perpetrators and the victim? Why is the journalism of the article so poor?
By Terry posted 43 minutes and 26 seconds ago
By Truth marches on holmes posted 44 minutes and 54 seconds ago
All you high minded white liberals need to walk through the halls of this school. These students will assault, rape& sodomize you too…. what the heck is wrong with young blacks?
By Gee Wiz posted 44 minutes and 13 seconds ago
Just another chip-out by a gang of blacks. Move on … nothing to see here …
By Francis posted 45 minutes and 56 seconds ago
White kid. No mention of the description of the attackers. My guess is that it was black on white violence, therefore not a hate crime.
By HJ posted 46 minutes and 58 seconds ago
The lack of the mention of the race of the attackers is apalling. Too scared to say they were all black and this was a racial crime? Oh that’s right, no crime against a non-black by a black (or gang of blacks) is racial by definition, right? Your “reporting” sickens me.
By Virgil Tibbs posted 46 minutes and 25 seconds ago
Only blacks could be this savage. You know, I know it, time to stop this racism of the worst sort.
By Horatius posted 48 minutes and 12 seconds ago
I’ll bet the attackers were African-American youths.
A. Zarkov writes:
Jim C. writes:
Note: The CBS story by Christine Sloan has now been changed with the addition of the bolded text:
When I posted the entry two days ago, I explained that I assumed the attackers are black, because their behavior fits the classic black pattern of such attacks: deciding to get revenge on someone for some minor or illusory act of “disrespect,” often to a girlfriend, then ganging up on the lone defenseless individual and causing maximum damage to his head and face, for example by knocking him to the ground and then kicking him repeatedly in the head or hitting him repeating in the head with an object. In this case the victim, David Muneton, had committed the “disrespect” of hitting a girl with a basketball; she fingered Muneton as the one who had done it; and her boyfriend and his friends then proceeded to attack Muneton and break the bones of his face and perhaps blind him. Every time a crime like this occurs, it is blacks who do it, though Hispanics are sometimes also involved, as in the Central Park wilding in which a gang of black and Hispanic youth not only gang raped the victim but beat her repeatedly about the head and face. The aim of such attacks is not just to rob, rape, or kill; it is to degrade and obliterate the victim as a human being. The pattern of the attack, plus the
of Englewood, New Jersey, divided evenly between about 40 percent white and 40 percent black, led to the logical inference that the attackers were black. Since we live in a society where the media systematically withhold damaging information about blacks, in many cases the only way the truth can get out is through logical inferences based on the imperfect information available. However, I see from Wikipedia that the population of Englewood is also 20 percent Hispanic of any race. Therefore it might have been more cautious to guess that the attackers were “black and Hispanic,” and in the future I will do this. Note that Sloan while calling the pack “diverse” does not tell us what this diversity consists of. If there were whites in the pack, she would surely have said that, but she doesn’t. Therefore it is most likely a “diverse” pack of blacks and Hispanics.
As for the identification of David Muneton as Hispanic, in my initial posting of the entry I had declined to identify him by race, as I hadn’t noticed his photo in the story. When a reader pointed it out to me, I felt it was too underexposed to say for sure he was white. But a brighter version of the photo showed that, while of uncertain ethnicity, he had the rosy cheeks of a white person. So I identified him as white. His complexion marks him as Caucasian notwithstanding the “Hispanic” identifier. So what we have here most likely is a gang of blacks and at least one Hispanic who attacked a Caucasian Hispanic boy.
A. Zarkov writes: